Reviews for An Order Reborn
Guest chapter 28 . 8/24
I hope you're still working on this story! I honestly like this much better than TROS. I would love to read the conclusion
rajohnson21 chapter 1 . 6/12
Sooo good, just like Hand of Fate and Haunted. Please keep the updates coming as you’re able in your busy time. I’m very invested in this story too and love seeing characters from HoF fleshed out to different destinies.

I especially like the more confident Ben while still vulnerable emotionally and physically with intimacy. I’m looking forward to their next sexy encounter—although since they’re dealing with Snoke, Palpatine, Vader, and loads of Star Destroyers it’s probably not happening soon.

I am confused about the blood requirements, if it’s per soul/vessel or just to start the ritual.

Two questions I’d love to see answered: how did Anakin fall back to the Dark Side considering his last moments in ROTJ? I’d love to see some Leia and Anakin interaction since we only saw Luke’s relationship in the movies.

And what kept Samra from contacting Krezzie or at least trying to influence him? He’s not nearly as pissed as I would be.

Okay I’ll stop questioning and try to be patient.
Melissact chapter 28 . 5/29
Omg. Please please finish this story
Misshavoc84 chapter 28 . 5/25
Noooooo, I need to know what happens. Please Please PLEASE finish this story.
I'm new to this whole fanfiction thing, I've read other stories about reylo and I'm so captivated by your stories. I have read Hand of Fate and now this one, which after this review I'm off to read haunted. Your stories have me loving fanfiction. The way you write, you should be published. Don't stop writing.3
Rainforest93 chapter 28 . 5/16
I'm really hooked to your stories. I read "Hand of Fate" first, then "Haunted", which thrilled me like no other book I've read in a long while. And while I'm waiting for the update on "Haunted" I started reading this story. I personally like this one even better than "Hand of Fate". I really love your character development in this one, which feels very authentic and faithful to the way they're depicted in the movies (and novels). And finally your style of writing is just amazing, you're an incredible writer! It had to end on a cliffhanger, didn't it? Ahhh ... the torture. xD With everything going on right now I know it's hard to find the time. I do hope however you'll finish this story eventually. It would be a shame if you didn't!
RedAngel323 chapter 28 . 5/11
Omg! I can't wait to see what happens next! I've really been enjoying your Reylo stories and I love the way you write. Please, please, please keep writing An Order Reborn. And thank you for the quality Reylo stories.
Guest chapter 28 . 5/11
Nooo! I need to know! You have such a good style, I guess I would enjoy any story written by you. Please continue! I came here straight after finishing Hand of Fate and now I'm off to Haunted!
oldestj1 chapter 28 . 5/9
Wow, and you stop there!?
Do they die? Do Rey and Ben sacrifice themselves and Kezzik and Samara save the day? Vice versa?! Please finish this story, if anything, write an epilogue... explaining what happened.
Epicweaver chapter 28 . 4/24
very entertaining. I like the whole Yavin plot and Qira bits.
Guest chapter 28 . 4/6
What a wonderful story! I stayed up all night reading it. You have such a wonderful way of story telling. The flow is so smooth and Ben’s transition from Kylo to Ben is so well done. It’s believable and so in character. And Rey’s understanding of their bond and them falling in love. It’s so wonderful. The story itself is so damn interesting and compelling.

And I love Kezzik - he is such a dick bag and I’m here for it. You are amazing to go from making me hate him in Hand of Fate to making me love him in this fic.

I love how your characters are so real and logical. Seriously - you are just an amazing writer and I really appreciate and enjoy your stories.

I hope that you do finish this story. That cliff hanger was killer. But totally understand that life and motivation get in the way. Plus with the virus - things are crazy. But this was a nice little getaway for a while.

Thank you again! And sending good wishes and health your way. Take Care!
Jjw20064 chapter 28 . 3/12
I've read countless fanfics but this is my first review! Your writing is incredible! I've ended up binging each of your Reylo stories! Please don't give up on this one! I am caught up with Haunted as well! I love how you pull in material from all Star Wars platforms! Phenomenal!
oncloudninemusicstation chapter 28 . 2/2
Great story you have here. Really like Hate of Fate and Haunted too! Hope you will complete this story, excited to find out what will happen! )
fireelfmaiden1 chapter 28 . 1/25
wonderful job, I am excited to read the next chapter soon.
Guest chapter 28 . 1/24
Oh man, please finish this story! Its so good!
kcj041 chapter 1 . 1/7
Lol, I absolutely love Hux’s initial introduction to the story; “ that unhinged, infantile sorcerer”, it’s a perfect description of Kylo Ren. Don’t get me wrong, Lylo Ren is my favorite character but he is that. I am loving this story so far, hope it keeps up the pace.
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