Reviews for The Russian Roulette Job
WolfhoundLove1 chapter 13 . 6/10/2019
Really loved this story. The suspense held throughout. Often times its not that hard to figure out where a story is going. Not so with this one. Amazing job. What a ride. Thank you for a wonderful adventure!
hengrimm chapter 13 . 10/20/2018
Oh my … the perfect ending to such a wonderful story! It was heartbreaking and heart-lifting all at the same time. Nate and Eliot's talk on the hill had me teary eyed and so did much of Eliot's POV, even through the smile and laughter from the end. You definitely have not only a firm grasp of writing in general, but of "Leverage" - and its characters - specifically. So much so I think I'm going to have to check out your library to see if you've written other stories for Leverage, Inc. … especially if Eliot features so prominently.

Thanks for writing and sharing such a truly amazing story! I know I'll be reading it again so thank you for that, too, a story worth more than just one read.
hengrimm chapter 9 . 10/19/2018
This is one of the best chapters ever! There's angst, heartbreak, hope, bantering, laughter, apprehension, darkness, and family ties, which wind through the whole of it, binding them all together. I realize I'm repeating myself here, but your knowledge and love of "Leverage" is clear in the characterization and dialogue, so much so that I can see it all playing out in my mind's eye, hear it all in my head. This easily could've been an episode, with your portrayal of the characters as well as the story itself. You're an incredibly gifted storyteller and your sense of these beloved characters is absolutely amazing, as is your timing. You could've written for the show, you're that good.
hengrimm chapter 1 . 10/18/2018
This is a wonderful first chapter, that grabs the reader and *yanks* her in. It's obvious you love "Leverage;" it shows in the characterization and dialogue. I feel as if I'm watching an actual episode, though the insights into the characters' thoughts and the immediacy of the written word makes it better than an episode. I actually remember the canon episode this story sprang from, which is a bonus for me, and is one of my favorite ones because of Eliot's screen time. The suspense, characterization, and story make me desperate to read the next chapter; I *have* to find out what happens next, what happens to Eliot, what Nate and the rest of the team does. Hell, I want to even know what role - if any - Molly plays in all this and what the hell her dad is planning. Great job! I look forward to reading more!
bloodshadows chapter 13 . 10/14/2018
This was an amazing story! Thank you for sharing it with me.
Anniya Late chapter 1 . 7/26/2018
Just brilliant. This was so heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time. The trust and need and raw emotion the team exhibits fer one another while still managing a rescue mission is rathrr impressive multi-tasking. I regret not taking the time to review every chapter because you certainly deserve all the praise, but I could not stop reading. I'm not surprised tho, seeing as how I rather slowly connected you with the previously read and immensely enjoyed series of AUs. You're a very gifted writer with a true talent for detailing complex emotions, all too perfect fer this fandom since the charcters are all about showing what they mean to one another. In short, I truly enjoyed this, especially the inclusion of Molly. Her & Eliot's interactions were so natural and made me wish the team could adopt her instead of sending her back to her screw up of a father. I can never, and will never, tire of protective!Eliot in mother bear mode fer his family. Job well done.
Ladybug Reads chapter 9 . 7/11/2018
"followed us like a zombie out for brains"

Bwahahahahaha! best line ever!
Ladybug Reads chapter 7 . 7/11/2018
He needed to tell Sterling there was a young girl up for auction also.
Cgarcia555 chapter 13 . 6/9/2018
Loved this story. You had Molly down pat. I could even picture her in my mind saying everything. Good job.
Carolyn chapter 13 . 5/16/2018
This was a very well written and amazingly satisfying story. Great job!
ann.ryce chapter 13 . 5/10/2018
I loved the way you used Nate to convince Eliot to come back home. Nate knew all the right things to say to him to make him understand just how much they loved, needed and wanted him. It was so beautiful. The way the rest of the team threatened him if he ever tried to leave like that again and Sophie's stern talking to him was perfect. I sure hope that Eliot gives John Connell a fist to the face for everything he had to go through. Nate got his little payback for Eliot being an IDIOT but telling the team he was the one that had Sterling go after them...yeah he's in for alot of yelling and fussing about that one, but they will forgive him eventually, lol. Hope there will be at least a few more chapters to this because I would really love to see where he gets his point across to Connell about how what he did was wrong. I would love to read about everything the team has to say about Eliot using Sterling to slow them down trying to find him. Those words are going to be interesting since we all KNOW Eliot just LOVES and TRUSTS Sterling so much. I really hate to see this story end! I hope you have another story in the works for when this one is finished, PLEASE?
Bloodskye1512 chapter 13 . 5/9/2018
Ah a well done ending! Loved this story - looking forwards to those one-shots.
Ship's Cat chapter 13 . 5/9/2018
Now, I remember again, why I really loved this show! You bring it all back to me. Sigh. Excellent, looking forwards to more.
HonestBee chapter 13 . 5/8/2018
This is so wonderfully bittersweet. Eliot still has his personal demons, that's not something that will go away overnight, but at least he sees there is no running away from his family. I love the way Nate approached him, and everyone else's greetings were so wonderfully in character.

I'm looking forward to your oneshots, but I really hope you do more longer stories as well, you really know how to get into the characters' heads and hearts.
maclooping chapter 13 . 5/8/2018
Really nice and sweet ending! I particularly like the "discussion" between Nate and Eliot, how Nate reads Eliot's reaction ,to hit his every sensitive point!He doesn't have a chance to win against his Mastermind hahaha

I love theirs reunion! Eliot's fear of them reaction and particularly to Sophie reaction is really written well! you did a great job with this one and I'll definitely follow your next stories!

About Quinn I do not totally agree with you. Yes, he can't replace Eliot, but for me, Quinn is (in a certain way) a young Eliot who can work in a team. he has a different motivation, not searching for redemption , or even clean a little bit, his soul like Eliot but he is searching to belong to something.I am sure if the team let him a chance he will be a really good hitter and become a part of the family like Eliot.

Ho by the way ,sorry for my bad english , i am french and i do my best to write all this feeling in english , sooo excuse me
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