Reviews for Rebellious Business
DarkPrincess-Adidas chapter 12 . 6/14
I love this story! I hope you update again, the tension between Boruto and Sarada is so sweet and deep
Guest chapter 12 . 5/8
It's only May and the pandemic keeps getting worse. Hope you're still living.
yrusoshy chapter 1 . 3/12
Cooooome ooooooon i was so sad when i reached the end that there was not a conclusion T_T hope you’ll finish the story at some point !
Guest chapter 12 . 2/19
I know it’s been 2 years since you’ve updated by I really love this story and want it to continue so idk if it’s personal or something but can the people at least have an update saying you’ve discontinued cause we’d appreciate it :)
LumiaTenshi chapter 10 . 2/13
That Dad to Dad heart to heart talk about their respective babies! Aaaaw...
LumiaTenshi chapter 9 . 2/13
This chapter is exhilarating!
All the emotions riled up. Made me anxious, nervous and excited!
I could totally see Boruto being light headed after their kiss and him literally bolting to Sarada just to know her well-being.
And that kiss on his cheek is sooooo sweet! Aaaw...
LumiaTenshi chapter 8 . 2/13

They kissed!

But.. why do i find that manhandling by Sasuke, soooo hot! Hahahaha!
LumiaTenshi chapter 6 . 2/13
My heart breaks for Sarada.. that feeling of being neglected by someone you really care..
Hope that Boruto will notice her sadness and fill it up with happiness.
LumiaTenshi chapter 4 . 2/13
I love Naruto/Sasuke and BoruSara scenes together! Aaaaah! Meet the family moments!
LumiaTenshi chapter 2 . 2/13
Aaaaaaaah! Sasuke and Sakura domestic fluff moment is soooo adorable!
Laughed out loud at Naruto and Sasuke's banter and total confusion. Hahahaha
LumiaTenshi chapter 1 . 2/13
This is sooooo cute! Excited to read more!
Guest chapter 12 . 1/23
This is a really great story. I was excited for whatever was to come next. I truly hope you come back and finish it someday.
Nap-Tyme chapter 2 . 12/4/2019
This is written so well! Gosh, I wish I could write like this.
Nap-Tyme chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
This was a long chapter for it being the first one but I absolutely loved it! I’m looking forward to reading the rest.
DoubleU43 chapter 1 . 10/8/2019
I've been rereading this story a couple of times now. And it's pretty cool and exciting everytine i've done it. Cause it feels like one of borusara fic that actually over the top on my list, if I have such list (yes I do shhh). Speaking of, I like how my mutuals and few of em have become my closest friends all know about this foc and we somehow always find ourselves fangirling about this like the moments and bort and salad's relationship and their cheekyness, awkwardness, boldness(?) And how they are really unaware to each others feelings. Although unfortunately, we always come to a conversation where we ask ourselves "what will happen next?" Or " i missed Rebellious Business dude" or "one of these days, we will know what happens next." Unfortunately we readers won't knoe when. Despite that, I do hope you are doing well irl, still having some fun in each passing days and surrounded by good people. I miss your writing, but I do understand if you have lost your interest. All I wanna say is i'm a fan of your fic (esp this series) and I wish nothing but the best for you now and beyond :))
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