Reviews for Making Amends
LonelyConfused chapter 37 . 7/19/2019
Not going to lie, being 6 months pregnant and having a perfect 1 year old daughter at home to love and enjoy at the same time made a lot of this story very hard to read. But I am soooo glad I pushed through! Beautiful ending!
Guest chapter 28 . 7/16/2019
Woooooooooooooooow this being draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagged out. Brevity can also be a virtue
Solar4Souls chapter 2 . 7/1/2019
So far this book is really well writen
Lightmyst chapter 37 . 1/10/2019
So that didn’t quite go as I expected. It was difficult to read about Will getting a happy ending after everything but it did reconcile his character inconsistencies throughout the story. It all made sense by the end and it was wrapped neatly and efficiently. I laughed, I cried, felt anger and revulsion with each character. Thanks for sharing with us.
Lightmyst chapter 33 . 1/10/2019
Didn’t see that coming
Lightmyst chapter 32 . 1/10/2019
Ugh ok so he knows now which is better but I still wanted Ginny to be the one to tell him. I guess since she had staunchly decided against it this way the only way. Le sigh. Onwards!

Finished the chapter. Not sure how I feel about it. But yay they have a plan!
Lightmyst chapter 31 . 1/10/2019
Halfway through this chapter and I’m so angry because she won’t just tell Draco what happened. I know that trauma affects people differently but I feel like if she told him he wouldn’t be so hurt by the cold shoulder! Ugh
Lightmyst chapter 31 . 1/10/2019
Okay so that last chapter was BRUTAL and my heart is breaking for all of them. I was so sure that Lucius was going to walk in and save her before the worst happened and then I was like... well damn. I hate that I can’t stop reading this. I don’t like five that are so dark and angst filled and your descriptions are very graphic and I CANT PUT IT DOWN. What have you done to me?!
Lightmyst chapter 26 . 1/9/2019
I am putting my money on will and his five brothers being behind most of it. I guess we shall see
Lightmyst chapter 19 . 1/8/2019
Okay so this chapter broke me. I had an idea of what had happened from reading the subtext but I didn’t think it would be that jarring and dark. As a mother it shook me to the core.
Panik1577 chapter 21 . 11/14/2018
Harry and Ginny ...
I think it was wrong scene...
SL chapter 37 . 10/12/2018
The story is full of surprises ! While it is obvious Will is fishy early on, Joe being the mastermind is quite a twist, especially considering the length he had gone (having his own family killed, etc).
Vivika Malfoy chapter 1 . 9/29/2018
This story is... JUST AWESOME! I couldn't keep apart from it until It was finished.
Great Job, as always.
Grazy Moraes chapter 37 . 9/22/2018
Meu bom Deus, o que dizer dessa fic?

Ela passou pela minha busca por inúmeras vezes e eu relutei em ler, mas quando eu realmente comecei, simplesmente não havia como parar... que criatividade incrível!

A forma que o relacionamento doa personagens se desenvolveu, maravilhosamente bem descrito. Os Malfoy's mais velhos aceitando Ginny em sua vida, pouco a pouco.

O relacionamento LINDO entre Harry e Ginny, a forma como eles se amam verdadeiramemte. Um sentimento puro. Apenas perfeito.

As reviravoltas de Will, meu Deus, tão inesperado, incrível.

E por último mas não menos importante, a forma que Draco e Ginny passam de uma "foda" casual, para um amor genuíno, intenso. Eu amei, de verdade sua fic.

Parabéns, você escreve divinamente.
Guest chapter 37 . 9/9/2018
You are a really good writer and I enjoyed this! Thx
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