Reviews for Donation
Pevensie67 chapter 3 . 7/31
I have never cried that much for a story i think... you are good.. really good ahah
Lilybelle12321 chapter 3 . 6/10
I was reading this in the car on the way to my sister’s house and I was sobbing by the time I find usher it and my mum made me get out of the car before I had finished crying. My sister was very confused, but THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS I usually hate any major character death fics, but when you kill off every single character I can’t help but love such a beautiful fanfic
mnc7851 chapter 3 . 5/7
I remember the episode when Derek told Reid the name of his child. Reid had tears and was so happy Margan thought of him as his brother.
mnc7851 chapter 2 . 5/7
Yes, it is a tragedy, but we all die. Spencer's time just came much too soon for everyone. He was the youngest, he shouldn't have been the first to go.
mnc7851 chapter 1 . 5/7
You didn't actually kill Reid. The driver who caused the accident did. This it the third time I"ve read this story. Once as lolyncu, once as tannerose5 and now as mnc7851. Even though this is a fictional person, it still hurts my heart. I think you have done a great job of showing the teams emotions, and how Spencer feels about losing his friends.
ROASTBEEF-12 chapter 1 . 4/14
I cried. I cried a lot.
PrettyPansexual chapter 3 . 2/1
This was so cute, it definitely gave me the lovely bones vibes when you were talking about the place after death
lolyncut chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
I read and reviewed this story a while ago, as tannerose5. It's now Christmas break 2019. It's still as sad reading this as it was then. This story has made me more aware of what happens during an organ donation/harvesting. I just hope I never have to witness one.
Duells96 chapter 1 . 10/10/2019
Missed the warning in the first author's note, but was a great read. It let me have a little shock amd surprise in the story. Loved the ending
fatimasmazhar chapter 3 . 1/9/2019
You made me ugly cry! I had to go to the bathroom and blow my nose cuz I don't have tissues. How dare you!
Kristine Angela Booth chapter 1 . 12/17/2018
This is so sad and so amazing. I literally crying at the last few parts, so you did a wonderful job. I'll probably come back with another review when my heart decides it can handle reading the next two parts!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/17/2018
Too sad but good
lilyflower101 chapter 3 . 9/16/2018
This chapter was the best! They're all back together again!
Ludub chapter 3 . 9/13/2018
Awww, I have to say, this was absolutely beautiful. The only issue being that I misguidedly decided to read this on the tram on my way home and kept tearing up. I bet people were wondering what I was reading. Beautiful to imagine the team back together in the afterlife and reunited with Spencer. Glad everyone else had long and fulfilling lives but never forgot their friend. Really liked Rossi's comment about Morgan being 'attractive' again, quite the understatement. And I love that Penelope became a 'player' in her geriatric years. Lovely! Just lovely! Oh and Spence and Emily? Really liked that!I don't usually go in for these kind of afterlife type stories because I don't really believe in that stuff but this was brilliant from start to finish. Well done!
Jesuslover123 chapter 3 . 9/11/2018
Very well written- but you have torn my heart out and stomped on it
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