Reviews for Number Six Privet Drive
Bakatana chapter 16 . 7/16
Oh it felt so good to read all the chapters again and catch up to this update. We finally see Morgana and omg I enjoyed so much the way you wrote her! :D
I have to say, I really love your story and its development so far !
Kutsie150 chapter 16 . 7/7
EEEEEEE Thanks for updating!
shanni.whitaker chapter 16 . 7/6
An update! Whoo-hoo!
I really liked this chapter, with the introduction of Morgana, and of course Harry being so blunt with Arthur. Arthur really is a prat, isn't he? Of course, he hasn't gone through all of his character development yet; remember Arthur in episode one versus the finale? Totally different person. Merlin's only been working on him a few months in this story versus about a decade in the show (not to mention they haven't faced deadly situations together on about a weekly basis in this story. That'll help you grow up. And of course he's eleven, too, so he's bound to be less mature). Anyway, love the chapter, love the story, excited for the next update!
Kutsie150 chapter 2 . 5/7
I’m in love ! I really love the fact that Merlin is somehow different from other wizards and that he is still Emrys and basically I love this story
Kitten6168 chapter 15 . 3/13
I am really starting to dislike Dumbledore in this story. He is quite unconcerned with the feelings of others. I am really liking the way Merlin reacts to it all and stands by Harry whenever he can, it is really sweet and protective. Thanks for sharing and updating this story, I’m looking forward to reading more whenever you are able to post it.
Anonymous chapter 15 . 2/23
I really love this story. It's really good Can't wait till I can read all of it
RRW chapter 15 . 2/16
Poor Harry. You think his life was complicated before, just wait until Fudge and Umbridge try to stick their nose into his business...because after that speech, you know it's coming.
white tiger freak chapter 15 . 2/16
This is a really great chapter with G’s POV. The only other thing I have to say is... Dumbledore is an idiot!
ccbean chapter 14 . 2/6
is there going to be more? i love this story! it has so much potential to go so much further.
Sonata IX chapter 14 . 1/26
I am a dumb American so if a kid ever came up to me and started talking about learning numeracy and literacy I'd be blown away. Lol at the older kids getting the shorter, easier labels. Also mobile ffnet doesn't show polls maybe? OK this isn't much of a review...I'm just continuing to enjoy this story. :D
laurasunny chapter 11 . 1/25
It was really hard to read about tears of happiness through my own tears of happiness. Honestly thank you for this story.
white tiger freak chapter 14 . 1/24
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww That was so sweet!
shanni.whitaker chapter 14 . 1/24
Aww, the end was so adorable!
Child of Dreams chapter 11 . 1/3
Oh hell no.
Please tell me that Dumbledore is NOT the reincarnation of Kilgharrah!
kyuzi4869 chapter 13 . 12/27/2019
Maybe, can u make the second version where there is no slash there? Only a bromance between them... Arthur and merlin...
Cz i want to read it without the slash in it...
Pretty please with cherry on top
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