Reviews for The Linen Closet
AlaskanFan chapter 29 . 10/17/2019
Wonderful ending. Thanks for sharing your hard work. Terrific story!
AlaskanFan chapter 8 . 10/17/2019
Oh, yes - definitely needing some time to adjust. Air travel makes things convenient, but returning from trauma was easier when veterans came home by ship.
AlaskanFan chapter 5 . 10/17/2019
Lovely time together readjusting - slowly, quietly.
AlaskanFan chapter 3 . 10/17/2019
Truly gripping. You are very sensitive to the slow return of normal thinking. Great story!
AlaskanFan chapter 2 . 10/17/2019
Powerful beginning. Great job getting into Gibb's mind.
BohoAngel chapter 10 . 4/14/2019
Such a moving chapter.
BohoAngel chapter 3 . 4/12/2019
So powerful! You have a fantastic way with words. A true artist. Thank you for sharing.
I found you on another writer I enjoy, on her favorite stories list.
So happy I did!
Guest chapter 29 . 1/27/2019
Great story! Great characters! Thank you!
Momcat chapter 29 . 1/19/2019
Reading this epilogue made my heart ache because since all the TV show watching sites got closed last April, I haven't been able to watch the new episodes. We can't watch CBS either here in France. So I missed the last few episodes of season 15 where Abby gets shot, Clayton gets killed and the problems with Sloane and Vance's kidnapping. Don't need to tell that I'm unable to watch season 16 either which is so frustrating. Old cold Gibbs nearly seems to be back in this one. I have the feeling that this story needs a sequel, I hope that you'll write one since Gibbs sounds to be still struggling with his past. Take care and Happy New Year to you and your family.
Momcat chapter 28 . 1/19/2019
I remember loving the way Gibbs hugged McGee at the beginning of the premiere, it was as if he was going to act more openly towards Tim, then he suddenly restarted to act more distantly when Tim came to his basement. I was even surprised that he did it since in all those years McGee never went to Gibbs's house for a simple talk like the others did, it was always and only for work.
Momcat chapter 27 . 1/19/2019
It was a nice surprise to find this story completed, now I have three new chapters to read, yay ! I hated the way Gibbs acted so disrespectful towards Vance all those years, even if I disliked the man at the ending of season 5, I started to appreciate his sense of honor and humanity, watching him as a husband and father too. Gibbs also seems to go back to his old ways of ignoring McGee's needs and problems, it's interesting that Vance seemed to understand Tim better than Gibbs did.
unilocular chapter 30 . 1/6/2019
Loved it. Thanks for sharing! The dialogue and character growth was quite realistic. I really enjoyed it!
unilocular chapter 16 . 1/4/2019
I was so excited to see this story finally finished I had to drop everything to start it! I love that you’re addressing what was so missing on the show. I wish there’d been 5 minutes of your storyline on the show to show what the characters went through. Ilove your dialogue and how the characters are relating to each other. You handle vulnerable Gibbs really well and the subtleties of Tim getting what he wanted and not knowing what to do with it. And I’m soooooo excited to see how Tony fits in!
SherryGabs chapter 29 . 12/12/2018
Fantastic last chapter. Fantastic story all throughout. Thanks!
PatriciaS chapter 29 . 12/12/2018
Wow that was a brilliant chapter and a good read. Enjoyed Tim watching out for Gibbs, noting the signs and having the strength to call Grace. Love her in the series she a good character to face up to Gibbs and the others when needed. Seeing Gibbs react to the building tensions, memories and guilt because of what has happened or what is happening felt right and could picture him doing it. Also losing Abbey would have affected him as they were close. Have not seen the series yet but can tell it's going to a good ride.
You say this is the chapter I hope there might be another one when Vance comes back just to round it off. If that this chapter does finish the story between Gibbs and McGee and shows their respect and friendship for each other will keep them steady throughout the next series.
Thanks for taking the time and sharing a very good story.
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