Reviews for Where The Brave May Live Forever
Starling chapter 3 . 11/29/2019
It’s a Valkyrie.
wsch1615 chapter 9 . 10/3/2018
please please keep writing this story its great
ChaosWithImagination chapter 9 . 9/28/2018
This chapter was packed with information but it did not seem tedious. I actually loved the very good detail about the Valkaries, sedir, warden trees, bit of, etc. Norse mythology is not the easiest to follow along with but good job. I am looking forward to seeing how they get to depower our big baddie. and now I want to see how a boar beserker works.
Wsch1615 chapter 8 . 8/14/2018
please keep writing not many people are writing sequels and yours is really good
ChaosWithImagination chapter 7 . 7/6/2018
awwww it was really nice of theo to bring him coffee...true friendship. I laughed when they allowed Mason to skip school and Melissa is so appalled. Liam is also a nice Alpha. Liam and his crush! So so adorable. Sheriff now has another stiles...hooray! poor guy. Another man eating tree!
and what is this about the nematon! Good job against Mason..point to the Sheriff!
what the heck is going on!
ChaosWithImagination chapter 6 . 7/6/2018
gosh this was not action packed but it still packed full of goodies. it is good to see Isaac back in the mix of things. who is our swordswoman? why is the ghost killing he becoming a malevolent one? it is cute to see Isaac on the group chat!
Guest chapter 5 . 6/27/2018
This is your weakest story yet in this otherwise great series.

How about you just delete this and start it anew? Have only one or two different types of threats , preferably the Ghost and the tree being, and leave it at that.

And please take out Hillary! She's just unnecessary!
TooLazyToLogIn chapter 5 . 4/23/2018
I am also worried about Liam. I like the such Issac like intro to the team. "Shakes Head". Scott draws the most dangerous kinds of people to his side but he is such a good Alpha too.
New mythologies in their world is so unwanted. I would feel overwhelmed too.
What was the thing in the woods? Beacon Hills really does have too many places to hide.
I feel sorry the most Melissa, who works so darn hard in a really tiring job and still puts up with being the mom of the true Alpha, and taking care of his Pack while he is away. She is quite a amazing part of his pack.
Who is this ghost man? And why is he killing people? What is his motivation?
the great me chapter 4 . 2/15/2018
Pretty good so far.

The spear-wielding figure sounds like a dangerous being from Norse Mythology. I've heard of it before.
Oh, and according to what I've seen, Theo was slightly brainwashed by the Dread Doctors. They admitted themselves they corrupted him.
TooLazyToLogIn chapter 4 . 2/11/2018
Please not a Ghost. Please. Theo being reasonable as usual. I would not doubt Deaton knows how to vanquish a Ghost. But please not Ghosts.
p.s. That Mrs. Finch needs to go jump in a lake. If she had werewolf-ed up and helped things may not have ended up so bad!

That was such a sweet move with Nolan. I did not expect that kind of kindness but then we should have. He's Scott's Beta.

Wow. Sword-wielder now with spear? Multifaceted! I love it!
I don't know what that was...but it was freaking awesome! Handed them their furry, blazing, chimera, human butts!


What Happened to LIAM! OH NO!
TooLazyToLogIn chapter 3 . 2/11/2018
Hahaha. Liam is finally getting a little crush. Who is the mysteriously cool, beautiful girl who has captured our beloved beta's blush?

So who made the man eating tree? And why a man-eating tree? not that it is not a good distraction but still...a cool distraction too; I will give them that. Poor new victim. And no we did not need to hear that it is strong magic. Really. No more strong magic user needed or wanted. Cancel application please.

And WHAT! who was that man? I feel like too many questions are being generated in this chapter!

WHHHAATTTT! Caution: Silver sword wielding and mask wearing manic on the loose. Stabs people and makes them disappear. Code Beacon Hills! And it's a GIRL! Now for some reason I feel really good. I'm a girl too. hehe.
ToLazyToLogIn chapter 2 . 2/6/2018
Thank goodness that Parrish is a hell hound. Honestly; having a hell hound is such a good thing. Like having a Chimera as a beta; so cool.

I loved the talk with Theo. The guy really did a mostly 180 and that really counts for something. He stole our hearts and made us forgive him for all of his terrible deeds. And Also Scott and Liam and the pack also are amazing individuals that they are both willing to trust and give second chances to some incredibly dangerous people.

YAY! Issac is on his way!

Gosh...I should keep that advice in mind for making friends. :)

And what the heck is the odd motion thingy!
TooLazyToLogIn chapter 1 . 2/6/2018
I loved the little talk with Scott, Stiles, Theo and Liam. Their video check in is both cute and effective and I do like that this is still following the end of the series. Scott really is a wise alpha for a guy so young.

That was a really sweet thing with Issac for Argent. The boy really is like a son to him and it would be super exciting to have Issac back.

I did not expect that with Nolan but wow..what headway there. Also I loved how Dr. Greyer acknowledged Theo as his son. The boy has been living with them for a long time now and I know they love him. He is so cute when he is vulnerable and unsure about his place. WE all want him to know that he is loved, I hope that he learns to accept this.

I know who the girl is! more like..what she is. dum dum dum.

And what the heck is the picture?