Reviews for King & Companion
b0ss chapter 17 . 5/4
hamburger pls
Insomniac Tiger chapter 9 . 3/23/2018
I can't believe anyone could be so mean to Prompto! He's so cute and nice! Anywayloved the chapter.
Insomniac Tiger chapter 6 . 2/7/2018
Aw Prompto... good thing he had Kuja!
Insomniac Tiger chapter 5 . 2/7/2018
Poor Prompto! Though Noctis on a feeding frenzy might be my new favorite thing.
Insomniac Tiger chapter 4 . 2/7/2018
Prompto has his camera and his seen Chocobos. All is well in the world.
Insomniac Tiger chapter 3 . 2/7/2018
Zidane! So glad to see him here! And as a monkey? Perfect.
Insomniac Tiger chapter 2 . 2/7/2018
Ah the joys of childhood. Puppyhood? Poor Noct. Its no fun having to work in general. But when there is an eager kid wanting to play too? Good luck! Love this story!
KitaraStrife chapter 8 . 2/7/2018
Ahhhh, I do so love your stories! NoctProm is my newest OTP and they're always so adorable. I love that you threw Setzer into the earlier chapter, as well as Yuffie. I would love to see you throw in other characters from previous FF games as well, be they hero or villain or even just a named NPC. You quite obviously threw in Old Man!Garland from FF9 in the chapter where Prom got captured during the night of the blood moon, but other than him, I haven't seen you use other villains from other games besides Sephiroth :( I think this the first story where you've thrown in other heroes from previous FF games, honestly, and I LOVE that!

Moving on the actually reviewing the story thus far: I love the idea of Noct being a Nightwalker and Prom being a wolf shifter, but with how you have Iggy and Gladio being human, you've basically implied that Noctis had a hand in raising them, given that you made our favorite emo prince/king 500-years-old and state he's known his two friends "since childhood." In my mind, it's either he had a hand in raising them, or they're his thralls. Meh. Either way, they won't turn against him, so it doesn't really matter too much.

In other news, I love that Yuffie was seemingly made SIC under Gladio during the blood moon night chapter. Kind of awesome. ;) And Setzer as a spy with his airship-Blackjack or Falcon, btw?-was a very nice touch. Again, I'd love to see other chracters from other past FF games make cameo appearances. There's also the topic of Kuja going off to Treno, while you still have it ambiguous if Old Man!Garland was killed during the blood moon chapter when Noctis saved Prompto or if the old fart is still alive. Gonna use the jerk again, or have another threat come after our heroes and their "family"?

Well, I think this is the LONGEST review I've done for a story/chapter in QUITE a while. O.O Hqve a wonderful day/night/week/month/whathaveyou, and I hope to read more of this story soon! :D
Insomniac Tiger chapter 1 . 2/7/2018
Its true. This is the cutest that Prompto has ever been.