Reviews for Ben10 and a Vampire Capu3
Anko4Life chapter 29 . 4/10
Having now read all 3 capus I have to say not only did you incorporate ben 10 universe well in to Rosario but you made it feel organic I definitely look forward to reading what happens next and seeing what you're going to change in the rewrites.
Emblemfan1 chapter 29 . 11/4/2019
Cool! I like the character development for Nosfer. I also like his new design. Looking forward to the next one
AnimeGoji91 chapter 29 . 10/24/2019
Hey dood look sorry about that I just big fan of fanfiction story and no I'm not trolling on everyone because I love the story of crossovers is KICK ASS and also I'm not just a kid, I'm a young teenage adult who is big fan all crossovers but sometime I at like a kid who just love the adventure and Awesome and also I can WAIT to see new chapters or episodes of this story because Zelda Series will be great and also what they going to wear clothes in Hyrule!? Also this going funny as Hell and also please continues this story please! PEACH!
Stone-Man85 chapter 29 . 10/16/2019
Dang, and it was just gonna get good on this.
54godamora chapter 29 . 10/15/2019
You know I would be disappointed by the long hiatus and the build-up but you used the time to make two more stories that give this trilogy a run for it's money.

I'm glad that this story is back and not just an update chapter. I hate those.

I completely understand your house issues since the house I live in is 90 or so years old.

I would vote but I'm not a Zelda fan nor have I ever played a Zelda game.

Lastly, name of your friends Ben 10/Rosario Vampire story please.

Oh and as for my cold, I'm mostly over it.
OmnispiderGwen chapter 12 . 7/6/2019
The cliffhanger was annoying but somehow funny . The chapter was very interesting.
AnimeGoji91 chapter 28 . 6/30/2019
Holy Shit The Newspaper Club has to take down name Kusbai and is Nosfer-Ben saw Deshiko how hot she is and hope she join Ben's Harem and Hope you put New Alien Forms of Alien Kaiju from Godzilla in this story!?
The Brod Road chapter 27 . 3/16/2019
Man, it seems like ages, pal. Sorry I haven't gotten around to reviewing this right when it came out. But better late than never, right? Anyways, onward!

So, the Club's resident Villain actually has a villain, one could say, eh? Villain squared? Villain within The Villain? Villain-ception! XD Lol. Okay, enough puns from me... So "Venom" had been brewing the whole time but stubborn ol' Nosfer, the daft numpty (if I may borrow some slang from "The Villain" Marty Scurll), was prideful enough to want to handle the problem himself. Some would say that wasn't the smartest of moves. Noble on some level, sure. Especially when considering his normal antics toward his friends... But this kinda thing ain't just some health issue one can just sit on for a while.

Paradox had to step in to warn about "IT", huh? Who's Ben going to need "Venom" to fight against? Pennywise the evil clown? I kid, I kid. But ya know things're gonna getting serious when Paradox has to cut in about something...

And Hokuto's backstabbery begins... And soon enough, just when Ben Tennyson thinks all is right in his little world of Yokai Academy, he shall hear the phrase that signals doom: "Anti-Thesis-gun, ICHIBAN!" (Pardon my wrestling reference. It's referring to a sadistically evil New Japan wrestling faction known as Suzuki-Gun (pronounced like "goon"), who tend to have a simple motto of "Suzuki-Gun, Icihiban!". But due to how vicious the team is, nobody dares mock the team's boss for simply declaring they're Number One instead of coming up with a wittier, more original catchphrase...)

Now I wonder if Ben might have to deal with seeing just a slight twinge of fear in a couple of his harem members for a little while. Nosfer may have been forgiven, but seeing the "Symbiote" in action is probably something that most people wouldn't just instantly get over, even if they fully forgive the person within the "Symbiote".

Solid chapter all around. And finally, some answers! Lol. As always, keep up the kickass work, dude!
Nivek Beldo chapter 27 . 2/23/2019
Amazing chapter a plot twist for everyone here and even people knew what is coming into the manga...suprise several, amazing chapter, chapter like this are the best, the natural fusion both series, like julie arc in both Capu2 and Capu3. Amazing work
Chaosredshift chapter 26 . 2/8/2019
Loving this new form, also seeing a bit of a Venom-esque and am loving the way it's implemented as it still holds to existing mechanics. Had to up the game eventually, was surprised to see X mentioned though.
AnimeGoji91 chapter 26 . 2/1/2019
He look like Monster X or Hybrid from Godzilla!?
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