Reviews for Brighter Than The Moon
1saaa chapter 8 . 4/20
Nice. Draco and Liza having a developing friendship. Interesting to see how this will play out. Looking forward to the next one.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/12
Another self insert twin that glorifies Snape and will marginalize Harry. Hard pass.
X Blue Eyed Demon X chapter 5 . 10/11/2018
love it!
can't wait to read more!
hope next chapter is soon!
jcampbell943 chapter 5 . 10/5/2018
I usually dont do draco oc fics where the OC is Harry's sister but thought this one looked interesting.

I'm loving how you slipped in the diary, I've been wondering Cissa and Lucious' intent since the start and am interested to see how things transpire. I like her feistiness, I think she could be a good asset to either side.
haelyeon chapter 5 . 10/2/2018
Totally missed that update, sorry bout that. I've really missed this story. Those little bits with Dobby were just straight out adorable. I bet someone will get the wrong message should get see Aliza with that Dark Arts boo…
haelyeon chapter 4 . 4/10/2018
Just before any confusion arises, I'm Ryo.

Please please update! I really miss this story and its already been a whole month. I hope your doing well though…
Ryo chapter 4 . 3/2/2018
Ace Attorney: Slytherin Investigations xD ( Do you get the reference?)
It's so damn cool that you didn't make Pansy the Bitch of the Universe. While she is quite mean, many authors transform her into a banshee which is way too annoying.
They also tend to forget the Slytherin gang, so thank for that as well xD.
But would Aliza really leave Harry? From what I saw up until now, I don't think she will leave Harry alone at the orphanage just yet. I actually think that he tries to hide that brother-complex of hers, but then again, I'm quite bad at interpreting persons after four chapters xD
I'm exited for the next chapter so have a good week!
Ryo chapter 3 . 2/26/2018
Thanks for updating! I'm really exited for the Slytherins (Daphne etc.)…Blaise was so funny.
I wonder what Harry and Rons' reactions were when they heard that Aliza is on good terms with Draco. I like the way you portrayed the Malfoys, and I'll continue to be exited for what's about to happen.
Btw, I really like your way of portraying Harry, The-Boy-Who-Had-So-Many-Titles-He-Couldn't-Keep-Up-Anymore, and Aliza, The-Girl-No-One-Talks-About.
See you soon! ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 2/24/2018
Please update TT
Ryo chapter 2 . 2/9/2018
Finally…FINALLY a story with a plot change. Thank you so much for this, dear author!
You can immensely see Harry's Griffindor side here: acting bravely busy in a stupid way. I'll agree with Snape that she'll be a good Slytherin. I'm happy that you involved Mcgonagall as she is one of my favourite characters.
I'm aww-ing the whole time for Snape; besides, him a volunteer! Imagine him. Coming to the orphanage with a poker face, then saying in his normal drawling voice 'who wants to bake?'. XD
I'm damn happy, and if I wouldn't know the pain behind it, I would demand a new chapter right know xD. I won't though, don't worry.
Your grammar is on point by the way ;)
Hope to see you soon!
Ryo chapter 1 . 2/4/2018
Before I forget it, I'm really exited for the (potential) plot change as well. I really hope you update soon and have a good day!
Ryo chapter 1 . 2/4/2018
I'm damn happy I stumbled upon this, like damn happy.
I have great hopes for this one and it's just the first chapter, or rather the prologue; thus, I can't say much for now, but your grammar's awesome and you displayed the characters quite well. Especially Dumbledore. I don't hate him, but he is quite the piece of…okay, I don't like him; nonetheless, he was a genius. Even if a manipulative genius.
Hope to see you soon (and hope you excuse my little rant)!
Khaaotic chapter 1 . 2/4/2018
So excited for you to continue this! It already sounds so good