Reviews for Scourge of the Seven Seas
Cococauldroncakes chapter 1 . 4/1
mokubahv chapter 1 . 11/1/2018
Aww, how sweet!
NeonDomino chapter 1 . 3/3/2018
This is so adorable. I was fearing the worst for Remus - poor Remus though, getting caught and locked up and what a bitch Walburga is and a perfect ship captain - you described her perfectly.

I love how you fit the Black family in as pirates and that it was like canon - Sirius hating that he was trapped there, yet he tried to help Remus. It makes me wonder how many others he had tried to help in the past because he seemed to know what to do - but I feel like Remus was the only one he actually managed to free.

It's perfect WolfStar here. Sirius puts himself in danger time after time just to see Remus, to feed him, to help him, yet expects to go back to the ship afterwards and face danger again knowing Remus is safe. I love that the Lupins were protective and forgiving and did whatever they could for their son, and welcome Sirius so easily.

This is so perfect and I adore what you wrote! :D
Prongset chapter 1 . 2/27/2018
This is really really good
I need more wolfstar like this
Cheeky Slytherin Lass chapter 1 . 2/12/2018
I remember you mentioned writing a Wolfstar pirate!au, but oh my goodness! I was not expecting this. This was completely unlike any other pirate fic I've ever read.

I loved that Walburga was the pirate captain. The way you characterized her was brilliant. She was such a bitch, and I hated her so much, and yet I couldn't help but admire her ruthlessness. She was a wicked character, but still so powerful, and she knew how to get what she wanted.

I loved the parallel with canon. Sirius hating his life in a pirate family mirrored his hatred for his family's values in canon. I thought this was such a clever inclusion.

Remus was precious. You captured his innocence so well here, and I felt so bad for him. I could feel his hopelessness when Walburga enacted the fine, and just… My heart broke for him.

Then your Sirius was perfect. You captured his goodness, his anger toward his family. I loved that his kindness was highlighted against his mother's cruelty. Again, this is such a clear parallel to canon, and it felt so natural.

Your interactions were brilliant throughout. I love that Sirius, the boy who hates everything his family stands for and doesn't want to be a pirate, still stole and lied all for the sake of a boy he barely knows. The fact that Walburga was so cunning and found ways to hurt Remus without laying a finger on him… Oh my. Just, all of it was done so well.

There were so many descriptions here, and you painted such a clear picture with your words without it being overwhelming. I could perfectly imagine the sea, the ship, everything. The thing that stuck out to me the most, though, was the description of the shrunken heads. That was so chilling, and I wasn't expecting it. I definitely wasn't expecting Sirius to explain that people who cross his mother become part of the ship. Seriously, how did you come up with that because it is brilliant and haunting, and I love it.

I was so happy that this had a happy ending because it really could have gone either way. I was worried for a minute that Sirius wasn't going to join them, and his comment about how they wouldn't want a pirate with them broke my heart because it's the part of his life that he hates the most, yet he still held it as an identity. I was so grateful for Lyall and Hope for being so sweet and quick to accept Sirius. It was such an happy and hopeful way to end such an intense and dramatic story.

Beautiful job.
halcyon epochs chapter 1 . 2/10/2018
...#shook. Consider me a hundred percent shook and a molten pile of gooey-ness.
This is definitely one of the best Wolfstar fics I've ever read. Maybe in my top ten for all fics.
I loved your accurate characterization of all of the characters- Walburga's ruthlessness, Sirius's compassion and protectiveness (and his profanity), Remus's I-love-you-don't-leave-me was all there. I was especially squealing over Sirius; I love how you portray him as super-protective of Remus, kind of like his guardian angel.
In the very first line, I like how you use irony and imagery to foreshadow what's going to happen. It brings about a mysterious mood, and I pictured the scene in my head and shivered.
And my favorite part is undeniably the end, when the Lupins (*cough* Remus *cough*) convince Sirius to escape with them.
PerpetuallyTired chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
Such a lovely au! Awesome! :)
Emiliya Wolfe chapter 1 . 2/2/2018
This is really sweet. I love how it's told like a bedtime story. Remus and Sirius's characterisations were perfect, and I love how it turns out to be Walburga and Orion (I thought it would be James and Sirius at first) who were Manning the ship at the start.
One thing I felt really jarring though is the point where you suddenly switch tenses in the middle of a sentence and then it turns into the present.
Other than that this was fantastic. good work!
Tvdtami chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
I loved it! It's really cute, and i love the concept of pirate!sirius,, it's really well written **