Reviews for Neither a Bird nor a Plane, it's Deku!
J Vision lil chapter 3 . 7/17
Ok I'm liking this, I'm really liking this. Let's see how it goes.
Earl John Diawatan chapter 9 . 7/14
“Z” could be Zor-El or Zod. I hope it’s Zor-El so we can meet Kara. But I do want to see Izuku vs Zod
erica.phoenix16 chapter 31 . 7/13
Thanks for updating. :)
Idontcareaboutit chapter 9 . 6/26
Is Z short for Zor-el like Kara Zor-el
Idontcareaboutit chapter 29 . 6/21
Please let deku date Lori not kendou. Lori is way more instead of kendou. And more useful
Idontcareaboutit chapter 30 . 6/21
Please in the future you put deku and lori together because, this is just my opinion, but they look like a better couple than he and kendo. Hope you do that
Airchampion chapter 31 . 6/18
It nice to see how Bruce got the happy life he deserve after everything he been through, I also like how you connect this with the main story and hinting at things to come.
DraconeKing chapter 31 . 6/17
Nice lull before the epic storm. Really enjoyed it, had a great time with this.
W8W chapter 31 . 6/16
It was unexpected topic but definitely very pleasant surprise. I don't read comics so DCAU is beginning for me so I am very happy to see Bruce and Diana together. As well as how different this is from his life in Batman Beyond. I probably missed lots of subtle reference. Generally it is excellent chapter. There are more things I would like to say and some to ask but I will do it at spacebattles.
Gary chapter 31 . 6/16
While I think you spent way to much time following the hodgepodge of Gotham characters, I do love bringing Maps into it. She is one of the best characters in comics. Period.
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 31 . 6/15
Now this must be Wonder Woman's most impressive deed ever; making Bruce Wayne happy for real. Awesome job with all the characters.

Keep the good writing.
BlackSheep the Sage chapter 31 . 6/15
Great justice league unlimited reference at the end there
ThFlash chapter 31 . 6/15
It's been a long time since I've read the earlier chapters of this fic, but I don't remember any mention of the original Superman. That being said, Bruce has a son named Clark, presumably after Clark Kent. I'm just going to assume that it's just a little shout out from the author, but Bruce recognizing Izuku's power set would provide a good reason to bring them together, if that's the intention.

More importantly, what is best girl Ambush Bug up to these days?
Guest chapter 31 . 6/15
I honestly know very little about My Hero Academica, even though I have heard plenty about it. But I do know DC fairly well, and I loved all the little touches you added to this chapter. And all the fandom nods. (Crazy Steve...)
dreaddragonknight chapter 31 . 6/15
holy shit a story where Batman gets a believable happy ending? color me impressed and warm hearted at it all. Also damn did Bruce and Diana get it on.

Also yay a tournament arc, can't wait to see how you handle it
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