Reviews for The More Things Change
Deathreaper796 chapter 2 . 3/26/2018
I love how dumb Timmy is at the very end, only because at that age I hadn't heard of Victoria's Secret yet either and had no clue what it was until a year later. Great fic, keep it up.
starfiction123 chapter 2 . 2/15/2018
Ok salty look. I'm bith bummed and slightly relieved of butch ending FOP only because Chloe was annoying me (thatd the relieved part) and the bummed part being that afOP was a revolutionary vacation for me in terms of humor and content. Now you know what a timtoot fan I am! Please make this a good one! I live this so far don't crush me!
The Prof3ssor chapter 1 . 2/4/2018
The story seems great, I adore your descriptions I absolutely love your work.