Reviews for A Petal on Still Waters
happy.virusss chapter 20 . 8/18
I just finished reading this up to chapter 20. This is so good. I hope you continue to update this story. I will patiently wait for this fic to update. I hope you are doing well.
Precarious Obsessions chapter 5 . 6/20
Wow I didn’t see that twist that Sakura was the true mastermind!
BlueNPinkRoses chapter 20 . 6/11
Great chapter I’m glad they made up some what. I Hope Shisuisaku hair stays pink for a while lol . Again great job
Cherry Blossom Princess Sakura chapter 20 . 5/11
hoping that you will finish this. i know it's been a year now since the last update so I'm not expecting it to be finished but i just found this story yesterday and already finished it. i loved it and i hope to see it finished. please come back and finish your story
Guest chapter 20 . 4/29
Hey, I only read your Story Jet within 2 days. I really love your FanFic. will you continue writing? Ist over a year since your last chapter, but the Story is so good, erotic and hilarious. i would love to read the end of it.

greetz Narudia
Saiyagurl87 chapter 20 . 4/27
This is amazing! Plz update
FeliciaGray chapter 20 . 4/22
I'm still waiting for the next chapter up to this time.
Maso Neko-chan chapter 20 . 4/19
Spiderlily-chan96 chapter 20 . 11/12/2019
I'm so excited for the next chapter! I'm loving the story, you're great!
bookgirl813 chapter 20 . 10/15/2019
I won’t beg and I won’t plead for an update, but I will say that this...THIS is amazing! I loved how you Tsunade thinks the whole competition is her idea but Sakura is secretly the mastermind behind it all. That she would go to such levels to accomplish her goal is no surprise to this reader. I’m not surprised Shisui was initially upset - he must feel a little manipulated, and Sakura has to be feeling remorseful as well. But the brand was a nice touch too.
I hope all is well and this reader will wait patiently for any crumb that may be tossed our way. Thank you for sharing!
Ashah Zion chapter 15 . 8/12/2019
6 months since you've last updated this story and I still check for a new chapter(s) !

Please please please don't abandon this story it's amazing I love this pair
happy everyday life chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
Omg. This is hilarious! Shizune is the only sane person here. Gotta love the competitiveness between Fugaku and Hiashi!
The White Leopard chapter 20 . 5/14/2019
Priceless! Omg. Dying. He totally deserved that. I can just picture Gaara losing his shit over that. Omg. And Itachi! Shisui is never going to live the pink hair down. Never.

And now that they've hashed out most of their differences, I'm excited to see them back home. And don't think I've forgotten about Neji and Tenten. Hiashi had better let them get married, especially now that Sakura is so very obviously taken. So excited to read more. I love this story. It's really, really good.
The White Leopard chapter 14 . 5/14/2019
Wow? Lol. That was intense. Like, super, only an Uchiha, intense. Phew. I think I need a second to catch my breath. And now it's time to face the immediate consequences of Shisui's actions, however driven by his bloodline they may have been.

I have no idea what Tsunade was thinking, sending an Uchiha suitor on a seduction mission with Sakura, when she knew what Sasuke was like. Though to be fair, Tsunade isn't really up to date on the depth of feeling involved. But wow. Is this mission even salvageable? Lol And will Shisui notice Neji's lack of romantic attachment to Sakura or will his friendship be misconstrued? Not that it matters too much, since he went and used an ancient bonding ritual on her without her realizing it. Oh, Shisui.
The White Leopard chapter 5 . 5/14/2019
Sakura is a genius. XD I just have to let it be known that this is the best romcom ever. It's amazing. I can't stop laughing. Just thinking about it makes me smile. And Sakura being the mastermind behind it all is the absolute best! Never let it be said that ninja skills aren't applicable in personal situations. I am enjoying this far too much. Looking forward to reading more. I'm gonna go do that, now.
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