Reviews for All Booked Up
Islingr-kun chapter 1 . 11/29/2019
Seriously?! Halfway through the story I forgot that this is a one-shot. It felt and read like an endless story, and I would love a longer story based on this one-shot.
Great work!
8th Deadly Sin chapter 1 . 1/17/2018
This story was so amazing! I'm glad I picked this prompt for you, sister! I enjoyed all the Hamilton references since you know that I love Hamilton. ELAINE AND BAN ARE JUST SO DANG CUTE! I CAN'T EVEN! THE FEELS MAN! THE FEELS! Anywho... I just imagine Ban every night just going "STORY TIME KIDS! GATHER ROUND! So there me and mommy were..." The fact of the matter is that this isn't even set in the same time period as the show and it still reflects a ton of the show within it. I think my favorite part was Elaine being like "BRUH I'M IN YOUR DANG HISTORY CLASS! I SIT IN FRONT OF YOU DUDE!" And he was just like "WHAT THE HECK MAN I HAD NO IDEA!" He's so oblivious it's kind of funny. But honestly same. I don't know like half the losers in my history class's names. No regrets. Haha. It kind of reminded me of "THAT IS NOT KING" in the show. But like over all amazing job sister dearest. I'm proud. Hehe *smile
SaintXHollow18 chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
So adorable! I absolutely love banxelaine there simply aren't enough fics about them on this website.

Anyways great story!