Reviews for Keep Calm and Hold On
Silent Sound 715 chapter 7 . 2/21
Realistic and well written. I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!
superlc529 chapter 7 . 2/10
"That's a three-way street, Cas. We want the same for you." - That sums up TFW perfectly. This was yet another AMAZINGLY DONE AU fic. So much angst and so true to the characters. I loved Sam and Cas' bonding moments, especially there at the end. My heart was breaking for Cas thinking that the only reason they kept asking if he was okay was to see if he'd be able to heal them - my poor Cas baby.

You weaved in 12x1 and 12x2 seamlessly with the AU of Cas being captured with Sam. Excellent job! Another favorite. (Hope I'm not bothering you with all this gushing, I'm just really happy/grateful I found your stories).
laureleaf chapter 7 . 12/12/2018
I loved these episodes. Thanks for the added comfort that was much needed!
Nerdy-Girl30 chapter 1 . 11/16/2018
Great AU story!
Black Fungus chapter 7 . 9/30/2018
very nice. I cant spell so it is not your story,its my little spelling. :)
Miyth chapter 7 . 5/13/2018
I really enjoyed this a lot, the first and second time through :)

I love how simple of a change this was as far as AUs go, and yet it made a big difference. I loved the whump (of course), and the hurt/comfort afterwards was all the more better for it. I loved seeing the events and emotions from the characters' perspectives; Sam and Cas's despair in the cellar, their concern for each other and needing to hang on for each other, Dean's determination to save them while adjusting to having his mother back. Then once they had escaped and were back home, the healing and vigils were awesome; Dean trying to take care of everyone and being taken care of himself, Sam getting a chance to absorb the fact that his mother was back from the dead, and both Sam and Dean noticing Cas's self-sacrificing mindset through the aftermath. I really liked your inclusion of Cas's wings in the fic and how you tied that into Sam's concern for Cas beyond what happened with the BMoL.

There were just so many moments in this fic that I enjoyed reading so much :) I was glad for a chance to read it again properly! Wonderful job!
Miyth chapter 6 . 5/13/2018
Aw, I loved this chapter so much. First off, it was so refreshing to actually see the aftermath, healing, and comfort after this event, unlike what we got in the show. Seeing Dean feel so helpless with Cas's condition was heartbreaking, and how hard he's trying to take care of everyone. The last scene with Mary was so, so sweet. I love that Sam is still trying to find a way to help Cas, and that even though he wasn't broken in that cellar, he wasn't unaffected either. I love that Dean is not only taking care of Cas physically, but also was worried about him mentally/emotionally with his guilt over what happened and the situation with Lucifer before that. The pacing in this chapter was perfect, and you balanced all of the characters so well throughout this fic. Really well done :)

I also appreciated seeing another area of the bunker we've never visited before :D which worked out perfectly!
Miyth chapter 5 . 5/13/2018
And they've escaped! :D

It's so interesting, because even though a lot of this fic is borrowed from the show, it doesn't feel like it at all. I think it's because so many things happened during this whole escapade, like Mary being alive, the BMoL showing up, Sam finding out Dean is alive. It's very refreshing to get to see the character's perspectives and internal reactions to everything, plus the AU changes really spice things up. I mean, I always love me some Cas whump n_n haha. But you also chose a really great AU opportunity by having Cas kidnapped too. Honestly, I wish the show had this setup instead.

I loved the scene of Cas waking up in the impala; our first taste of relief and comfort after Sam and Cas's horrifying experience. Still, there's a lot of healing left to do.
Miyth chapter 4 . 5/13/2018
Oh man, so much whump in this fic, haha. I'm looking forward to the inevitable h/c. Poor Cas and Sam; things just keep looking more and more hopeless for them. Seeing Dean in that cellar must have been such a maelstrom of emotions for Sam. He can't possibly be happy that he's alive when he's trapped in that hellhole now.

Heh, and poor Dean. This wasn't as easy as he thought it was going to be. Good thing he's got another Winchester up his sleeve!
Miyth chapter 3 . 5/13/2018
Sam's failed escape attempt broke my heart both here and in the show. Of course, then you just had to follow it up with a heart-wrenching moment between him and Cas, hah. They really do have so much in common. That's what I love so much about TFW. They all share pieces of each other. Cas is very much like both Sam and Dean, in different ways.

Dean and Mary are getting closer to finding them! Once again I'm really enjoying the introspection that we get to see in this fic between Dean and Mary. These were definitely unfortunate circumstances for her reunion with her boys.

I'm looking forward to the rescue!
Miyth chapter 2 . 5/13/2018
Oh goodness, nothing is going to stop Dean from saving his family, and the BMoL better not underestimate him, hah.

I'm really enjoying that Sam and Cas are together, leaving Dean and Mary on their own to find them. It's a good opportunity to get in Dean's head more about his newly resurrected mother, and how that's affecting him. I love seeing these scenes from the perspectives of the characters, and all of the AU changes fit so well. I was worried for that vet for a moment there!

Gosh though, poor Sam, I just want to save him... And poor Cas :( he must feel so helpless and useless not able to save Sam himself. Especially with them both thinking Dean is dead... what a horrific situation they're in.
Miyth chapter 1 . 5/13/2018
Oh yes, I'm starting my review catch up this far back xD I actually read this while it was posting, but I didn't have the chance to leave reviews, and I only skimmed the first few chapters. I'm so happy to finally get to read it properly!

I really love this idea for an AU, and I am always so thrilled for some Sam and Cas camaraderie :D ! I love the setup in this chapter. All of the little changes to include Cas in the kidnapping add some intrigue into the story. I always appreciate how well you weave cannon and AU elements together in these types of fics, and this chapter is no exception.

I'm so concerned for both Cas and Sam! At least Sam isn't alone this time...
Snovolovac chapter 7 . 3/12/2018
I finally got to reading this baby. I love it so much
BonanzaRocks chapter 7 . 2/18/2018
This was awesome! Sad that it's over! Thanks for posting :)
The Walker chapter 7 . 2/12/2018
This was a fun read ( though that's probably the wrong word to describe it)!
Keep it up :)
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