Reviews for Iniquitates Per Dóminum Et Tempus
setokayba2n chapter 13 . 7/1
Congratulations for the baby and all that, let's see how the story works after being rewriten
Kris chapter 3 . 6/19
Ch 3. Tests. Testing for inheritances, logical. Testing for blocks on cores, logical. Testing for active potions or potion history trace, logical. Testing for abilities such as transfiguration or occlumency, NOT logical. Abilities and natural talents only develop with time and experience and training, and wouldn't logically show up in a test of this nature. It would be better to introduce them either as the story progresses or imply that if Harry had some talents in this area that they would be impeded by something that they could logically test for. Be careful about making characters too overpowered.
Matt chapter 3 . 5/29
Are you kidding me? First, there's no such thing as a basilisk's egg. Basilisks are magical snakes created by having a toad hatch a chicken's egg. Everyone knows this. Second, Super Harry much? I mean, he's the heir of everyone and has every ability ever. What a load of B.S.!
mrmayortheiv chapter 3 . 5/15
Well, I was interested, but then Gringotts happened. You managed to hit about a dozen of the worst HP fanfiction tropes in the span of about 2 minutes. How is it that people aren't exhausted by overly helpful Goblins, absurd wealth, inheriting ridiculous numbers of titles, weird "abilities and talents" shown through blood tests (I mean honestly... How the heck is the fact that James Potter was a "transfiguration master" coming up in a blood test, magical or no?), Etc etc.

At least I know you're not shipping Harry with Malfoy or Snape, so you're avoiding that whole mess of tropes... Although I give it even odds that parental, nice Snape shows up later on.
ImUpToNoGood chapter 4 . 5/11
Okay, the story line is interesting. I like time travel stories, and this looks to be an interesting premise.

I don’t understand the compulsion I’ve seen in some writers to magically make Harry and any love interest tall and buff, and the women extra fit and curvy. What’s wrong with canon Harry? Or canon Neville, or canon Luna? They are all physically interesting, and they grew into themselves naturally.

Still, I do want to find out what happens next, so you have piqued my interest.
Shelleykids chapter 13 . 4/29
It says complete... That was most disapointing to find it was not.
ORKCHILD chapter 13 . 4/28
Great to hear, first a request, would you please post a n ote here when you post the rewrite and a suggestion try the free program from . It acts as a good first editor, finds spelling and punctuation errors, grammar mistakes, typing errors and the like. Hope this helps
DarkRavie chapter 12 . 4/12
Has this story been abandoned?
Beth5572 chapter 12 . 3/27
I would love to see what you write next. Your a great writer and your stories are great too. Keep up your great works of art.

Thank you and Please,

ICZYS HOSTAGES OF LOVE chapter 12 . 3/17
plz uppdate or let somebody else adopt it cuss i love IT
geekymom chapter 12 . 3/25/2019
I'm so sorry for what you have been going through. I pray for a friend like I have been blessed with.
She would take my daughter and give me 4-5 hours by myself to unwind
acherongoddess chapter 12 . 3/24/2019
you take you time and we will all be here waiting for ya to come back, better than ever. congrats of the baby girl.
afraidofspiders chapter 12 . 3/24/2019
figure out your life first I'll be waiting until you can come back to writing and Congrats on your little girl on the way
ellainaparker chapter 12 . 3/24/2019
im sorry you had such a hard time but congrats on your little girl
MintMousse chapter 10 . 11/21/2018
I can't keep the OCs straight, this is like reading a genealogy or something...
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