Reviews for Something Like This
pesesita08 chapter 17 . 2/6
pesesita08 chapter 11 . 2/5
Shanamaria chapter 17 . 8/20/2019
Omg why it’s just end thereee? A SEQUEL! A FCKNG LONG SEQUEL OF THEM! I neeed that! This piece of art is amazing beautiful and enjoyable and funny! Makes me love rivetra au even more! Please kindly write the sequel.. i would definitely wait for it until the end of the time!
Fanfics no one makes chapter 17 . 2/12/2019
coolpotato101 chapter 17 . 2/8/2019
This story is way too cute to end! Please write a sequel!
AssassinDolly chapter 1 . 2/3/2019
Wow sequel pls!
Guest chapter 17 . 1/27/2019
This is AMAZING! Sequel please!
krisaku chapter 17 . 1/27/2019
ohh! this is a nice ending I tjought there's going to be a cliffhanger but I'm glad that they solved their problem. I hope you'll do a sequel because I want to know if Levi's going to propose? hehehe .
Akari Hikari chapter 17 . 1/27/2019
A great ending! I need sequel pleasee
Romancedy chapter 17 . 1/27/2019
Wow, what a great ending!

I want to thank you for writing this story. When I started, I liked the idea of Levi and Petra being a couple, but when I reached the end, I ship them even more, lol.

I thought you did a very good job with portraying Levi and Petra's relationship. It was not rushed and everything flowed naturally too. Realistic is what I'd call it. :) Also, I've heard Levi is a difficult character to write, especially when the story is a romance, but I thought you did a great job with him. It was impressive to see you keep him in character when he had romantic encounters with Petra.

Again, thank you so much for this. Reading your fanfiction always made my day and I've always looked forward to reading it every time you made an update. It's sad to see this come to an end, but at least everything ended on a high note.

A sequel does sound nice, but I like how you ended it here. Of course, it is up to you.

Great job!

- Romancedy
MiyuTanuki chapter 16 . 1/25/2019
Romancedy chapter 16 . 1/25/2019
I'm glad Levi finally told Petra what was going on, and I'm glad to see that she is understanding about it. It got me when she quickly assumed he was sleeping with his boss, lol. And Levi calling his boss the "tree lady" was great too. That will forever be their inside joke. :) You did very well with this chapter! I thank you for updating. As always, I cannot wait for the next chapter. Good luck and take your time!
Akari Hikari chapter 15 . 1/7/2019
yeayy you're back! yay!
Guest chapter 15 . 1/2/2019
Great story!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/2/2019
Holyyy crap the Annie part SLAYED me. Awesome story!
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