Reviews for Feelings Detained
Epeefencer chapter 12 . 4/22
Too long and drawn out. Ginny would never stand for all the crap that Dean is pulling.
Epeefencer chapter 10 . 4/17
This denial by Ginny is getting old real fast. Ginny would never have stood by when Dean an Seamus laughed about Harry being injured. She would have hexed both and broken up with Dean immediately. This constant mantra of "I'm with Dean" is so unbelievable. I hope it doesn't last much longer. I had such hopes when Ginny drank the Felix potion but once more found myself disappointed.
Lady Lithe chapter 14 . 1/25
Ah ok, I take back what I said in my last review. This chapter was really good at explaining her previous behavior for the most part. I guess we can't have her realize the truth sooner since it wouldn't match HBP's timeline. :)
Lady Lithe chapter 13 . 1/25
I have to admit, I'm not a huge fan of Ginny's wishy-washiness over her feelings for Dean and Harry, especially since it seems obvious that she would rather be with Harry. It makes her POV less enjoyable, but I do have to remind myself she's a teenager.

I was delighted by the idea of Harry's emotions being expressed in color on his face though! That was clever and very amusing (even though I kept having to scroll up to remember which color meant what). Great job!
Lady Lithe chapter 11 . 1/25
Gosh, a reminder of how awful Snape is. :[ Poor Harry. Also omg Dean with your random spells into the darkness.
Lady Lithe chapter 2 . 1/25
Ahhh, Dean is such a jerk - though in an oddly believable way. Not toooo heavy handed, but enough. Harry was the very best in this chapter, and Ron was a close second. Ugh when Harry said "For you then" my stomach flipped.
hellishrose chapter 17 . 10/31/2019
Well I am not sure you will get this review since the story is almost 2 years old but I say what a great missing moments story you wrote as a companion piece to HBP. What amazes me more if that this was your first time writing fanfics! I stumbled across this fic on a sick day and read all 3 in the series in 1 sitting and I must say you did an incredible job. Missing moments and some of my favorite but so few authors really get the flavor of the companion piece down which you did with your story and it seemed so effortless! Bravo on a job well done and thank you for a great series.
mysuvone chapter 17 . 10/1/2019
Love this one
mysuvone chapter 13 . 10/1/2019
Hmm poor thickens
Awakening5 chapter 17 . 8/25/2019
Ah, this fic was so goooood! I hadn't previously considered the possibility that Ginny had "known" about Harry's feelings for a such a long time, and that Harry would have so many experiences with her that hinted at her reciprocated feelings. And yet, it all still fit with canon because JK really didn't give us any details. Just brilliant!

I especially love that even in their insecurities about the others' feelings, they were both so Gryffindor and bold with each other. Harry's hints weren't exactly subtle. And Ginny opening up to him and realizing she couldn't open up with anyone else was so heartbreaking and heartwarming to read all at the same time.

Great work! Love this series.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/4/2018
This is really amazing. I mean it. This is such a wonderful story. You are brilliant.
Chemom chapter 17 . 7/9/2018
I really enjoyed your story series. Your writing is engaging and the character development in the scenes you came up with was great! Thanks for sharing!
nayin1704 chapter 17 . 6/20/2018
Great story!
nayin1704 chapter 3 . 6/20/2018
Your Professor McGonagall is amazing
nayin1704 chapter 2 . 6/20/2018
Dean is a good person but he's not a good boyfriend for Ginny
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