Reviews for Cyber-Violet Volition
Lafayyet1886 chapter 31 . 8/6
What impresses me the most about this smut scene was how you deviated from the clichés which even experienced smut writers commit. Not once did you out-rightly described that her pussy was tight that his cock was huge/X inches, yet you somehow made this scene so hot...even hotter than almost every other smut I've read!
SprinklersCome44 chapter 32 . 7/6
animal cruelty*

anime...**facepalm. lol
SprinklersCome44 chapter 33 . 7/6
I really can't review every individual chapter without repeating myself, so I'll give this to you in bulk. Anyway, chapter 33, I found the fluff adorable. The first chapter pulled me in, though I thought it was happening pretty fast. Really, as the whole story progressed with different turns, I was engulfed with anticipation and excitement the whole way. Your writing is full of wit, clever craft and with generous amounts of showing and not telling. It's amazing. I thought I saw a typo here and there, but they were seriously rare. Anyway, the fact that you could evoke such a powerful, emotional response from me in almost every chapter, is something you should be VERY proud of. That doesn't happen often, and I'm extremely happy to have found such a great writer on this site.

Pats on the back for your sentence structure and dialogue. I love the gang and how you have them here. Everything feels right and believable. There are very few writers here that can do all of this so perfectly, and you're one of them. Also, the fact that you've got all of this planned makes me weep. Your ideas are fantastic and I'm excited to know the whole story.

About the first sex scene with Ren and Ann; it was wonderfully written. In all honesty, I needed some air after reading it. It just blew my mind. Writers can't usually carry on so... gracefully (for lack of a better term) through scenes like that. Though there were some parts I found a little weak, that's just my opinion. It shouldn't mean much. What matters is that you pulled off a beautiful scene whilst having the reality of teens having sex. I know that doesn't make much sense, but I don't know how to word it. The playground scene was uncomfortable for me (it was well written, but it was anime cruelty). I just found it weird reading about how those Kosei jerks got away with it. I was pretty peeved though. That Kofuki biartch.

Shiori Oshiro is a phenomenal character, and I'm glad you graced all of us here on with her existence. This story is overall incredible, and I really cannot wait for an update.
Guest chapter 33 . 7/6
So what's going to happen when Hifumi finds out Ren is taken?
Anon chapter 33 . 7/6
this story is beyond epic. i wish there were more authors like you around here. seriously great job

Guest chapter 33 . 7/5
There's...actually a dildo called Earthquake in real life? In Japan of all places?!
FrozenLime chapter 5 . 7/6
(this is actually a review for chapter 33)

I was looking forward to this chapter all weekend, when you announced in the Discord that the first draft was done.

Ren showing that kind of vulnerability like that in front of Ann made me feel all fuzzy inside. Nicely written fluff, VD. You shouldn't shy from this if you ever think it might do good for other ShuAnn projects you might write.

I actually slowed down at Takuto's part, because of the way you were describing the nightclub. The whole atmosphere was wild and dirty, every person there relinquishing control and melting their stress away with various methods of partying and poisons which made me wonder if there are parables to the Mannequin subplot that's now building up. Also wonder how the Cleaner will make an appearance in this story since you seem to have given him this role where he's made an enemy out of nearly everyone. Even Goro is out hunting for the killer. I wonder what will happen.

Good chapter as always. Thanks!
ShadowofMordorX chapter 33 . 7/5
their living room date was so cute! :))

Lottsa good stuff here but that Futaba section was especially eye-widening. You framed her suffering in a way that wasn't just about guilt and being a shut-in, but really showing the meat of what such an existence is like. It makes sense she'd be up all those things since Sojiro never came off as a strict guardian in the game to me. Just letting her sleeping all that much, leaving all that trash around. Very honest and humane it was. I'm also impressed you covered the plot hole (one that Atlus might have missed? they never explained this themselves) about encrypting the Phantom Thieves messages.
Jesus of Suburbs chapter 33 . 7/4
This is my least favourite fic to miss when it's not updating lol So thank you for posting today.
Firm Internal9 chapter 33 . 7/4
Wait, does this mean Rumi is dead now or something? What's possessing her?
ToothyFairyK chapter 33 . 7/4
Another great chapter. I love how Ren took care of Ann. He's so protective of her, but not overly protective, which I love about the way you've written him. And the Phantom Thieves have to figure out what's going on sooner or later with Takuto. They've got too much street smart not to. ;)
ShadalooBase chapter 33 . 7/4
this whole chapter was great! one of my favorite moments for prose are here

"The two of them glanced at the centre-stage of the underground club. The glittering hedonism in full show. Tracer-lines of red and green burned through the swirling neon of silver shafts, palpitating the dancing phantoms of light and shadow on the floor. As the decibel pounding EDM cracked and switched in its metronome, so did the lights. Cornea searing blooms of tangerines and red changed to violet winks into digital twilight. For a brief moment, it looked as if the clubbers were morphing in their ambiguous shadows and form. Infernal devils once. Electric blue angels the next. Bumpin’ and grindin’ from heaven into hell on repeat,"


OMG :O you write imagery so well. there are just so many things right with this story! :D
Cornetto chapter 33 . 7/4
That dancefloor was wild.
SheDoesntGiveaDamn chapter 33 . 7/4
what an amazingly passionate, angsty, sweet wild ride, Ren's relationship with Ann is turning out to be. and i am loving every second of it. I love this. :) You've GOT to update. :) And I'll be your best friend! I promise! Hehe. :)
HippolytasBlessing chapter 32 . 6/10
Never wrote a review here before, so please bear with me-my ramblings for Cyber-Violet Volition. That said, I hope you see this. Persona 5 was the one game I felt Atlus dipped down in when it came to storytelling quality. It started off good but then so many things which I didn't like startted to show, except for Goro - but I still had some issues with fluffy Crow too. Which led me to this. And how do I put this? Your fic is everything a story can do that a video game, movie, painting, or melody can't easily imitate. I couldn't stop reading about these characters, and especially Hifumi, the one you just made my favorite. I like how you depicted Ren and Ann and Hifumi so far these three are just about my favorite things in the story so far. I like that is Goro isn't depicted like an angry brat (I hate it. Goro Akechi should be more sophisticated), I'm absolutely impressed that Ryuji isn't depicted like an absolute idiot Atlus tried to force him to be but as someone who brings the heat in battle, deeply cares and I guess packs heat in his pants too lol
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