Reviews for Two Cities
wkathryn71 chapter 19 . 6/29
Man I hate it when you are reading a good a good story about bam it's over please let me know when you have a sequel to this lovely story
Guest chapter 19 . 5/31
Please come back
Guest chapter 19 . 5/8
Dec 2019 was last update - its been months. I doubt there will be an update. If you could please let us know if you do not plan to update or complete the story period. Just out of courtesy.
amysuer chapter 19 . 4/25
Just read this entire story can't wait for more
dutch potterfan chapter 19 . 4/15
I hope you will still finish This story
jtracey chapter 19 . 3/29
Any updates?
Guest chapter 19 . 3/14
Is this the end of the story?
Tuckersdad chapter 1 . 3/5
Please update soon this is a good story
Guest chapter 19 . 2/20
In so annoying this story. I hope there will be much more to this joyrney.
StephanieMarie210 chapter 19 . 2/22
Love the story can’t wait till the update.
sue1zide chapter 19 . 2/20
I had a feeling they might surprise her.
lilkathra chapter 19 . 2/19
love to know what happens next
lilkathra chapter 7 . 2/19
it's not the child that dose not want to see christian it ana that dose not want christian near the child that she never told him about she needs to fucking grow up when a guy finds up he's a father and wants to get to know he child and support the child
lilkathra chapter 6 . 2/19
only a fucking bitch keeps a man from his baby even if ana and christian never got back together he had every right to know he was gonna be a father and if he choose not to then by all means carry on rising the child your way nothing worst when your child asking why they don't have a father like the other kids in school then you have to tell them that they do have a father but i never told your father he was going to be one cuz i was mad at him
Guest chapter 19 . 2/4
It's great to see you back and finishing the story. I 'm really glad and ready to read the finishing of this story.
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