Reviews for The Dark Wizards are Rising
CaBuckeye chapter 9 . 6/25
I am another Quarantine-er. Yes. please, continue with this story. The are too many unresolved plot lines for you to not do so.
elvelover chapter 9 . 6/10
Loved the new chapter although I really had to search my memory to remember what had happened beforehand
Samonain chapter 8 . 4/9/2019
Please tell me there will be more! This is a great story!
Godric'sGrl01 chapter 8 . 3/27/2018
Loving this story. Would love to hear how Lycoris’ wand shopping went! Lol can’t wait for more development between Chris and Brax. Hogwarts soon, will be interesting. What classes will Brax take?
littlelizruth chapter 8 . 1/10/2018
I really like the revisions made. it's a lot clearer and the story is good. I'm so curious to know if Chris will survive or not.
heringaj6.29.97 chapter 1 . 1/6/2018
I agree. I love the concept but there are errors and repeats that make it very hard to read and understand what you are trying to write.
littlelizruth chapter 1 . 1/5/2018
I like the idea but it's really confusing to read. things are repeated but then changed around in a way that doesn't make sense. are chapter 5 and 6 the same thing? just with the really confusing changes that all the chapters have?