Reviews for You Will Be My Enemy
Guest chapter 50 . 4/17
That teaser tho. I can't wait. I do have hopes in my head for where you go with things, but I feel the direction you're going will be similar. The only thing I'll suggest is maybe work on a way for them all to work together again. You had some good solo stories for the characters on their journey but when they started coming together, or even meeting each other, those drew me in more.
erching chapter 50 . 4/11
I do like your story though it's kind of annoying and poorly thought out how Ozpin seems to predict everything. Your using him as more of a plot device than an actual character you should throw in him being truly surprised every now and then.
TiberiumSnow chapter 1 . 2/9
Great story! Keep up the amazing work!
fluffyfirefly chapter 49 . 2/9
Been following this story for so damn long now and felt in love with it form the very start. And every new chapter made me love it even more. I'm sorry that I'm not commenting as much as I'd like to, but seeing the ending to yet another breath taking part of this story makes me realize that I should definitely do so now and tell you how much I appreciate your beautiful creation and all the hard work you put into this. Thank you so much.
I remember the very loud outcry of so many people about the Yang/ Neo/ Blake thing, and also remember how sad I was seeing so much negativity for something I love, something I felt like is absolutely perfect. I can't even begin to think about how you must have felt about it yourself. I'm just really really glad that you powered through it and continued writing. Personally I'm very much in love with the whole Yang/ Neo/ Blake situation and couldn't ever have wished for more. So thank you again for not giving up and for continuing for everyone else who's still very much enjoying this ride.
I'm really looking forward to what's next to come.
God bless and see ya in the next part.
Dressyone22 chapter 48 . 2/1
Well all seems well now, but I bet part 3 is gonna be nothing but a roller coaster of emotions and recovery. And yeah that finale was crazy, but I'm still on Ironwoods side.
Okisawa Hinari chapter 46 . 1/24
Z-King chapter 46 . 1/19
Well...they are in trouble.
erching chapter 45 . 1/16
I really hope Ruby hasn't stopped her slip into madness. I really want to see the interactions between her and her friends when she and the red death merge.
Okisawa Hinari chapter 45 . 1/13
Guest chapter 45 . 1/12
I binge read both parts of this story over the course of this last week and even though I loved it, I feel like I need some stupid happy story now to feel better. I can't wait to see how everything keeps going forward.
Guest chapter 45 . 1/11
Good God, can you write fight scenes. This one had some serious weight behind it, the ethereal (more than) half insane perspective made horribly real without devolving into flat gore. Really. I am very impressed. Great work.
ghost117239 chapter 45 . 1/11
Yet another great chapter to amazing story!
Okisawa Hinari chapter 44 . 1/3
Whyyyy everything is burning AGAIN, least that bastard is dead
Guest chapter 3 . 12/15/2019
Tucker did it, what is caboose on the Atlas side if so how many friendlies are dead cuz of him
Okisawa Hinari chapter 42 . 12/10/2019
Damn Adam! Just kill him already! He deserve the worst end in the history! I still can't believe he done that to Kali
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