Reviews for lend me your strength (I carry you with me)
isaacswolfsbane chapter 1 . 11/11/2018
Okay, so first I need to start this off with an apology for taking so damn long to review! I'm an awful human I know. But oh boy was it a good read! Like I love it so very, very much. Anyway...

So right from the start I can tell this isn't going to be easy, is it? I mean, you're starting off with George being terrified because of Seamus and how awful Seamus' dad is like rude much? But also Arthur being such a good dad and just waiting for Geroge and not pushing it I love it.
Then you have to go and make Seamus' step-dad a dick and the step-fam not wanting him like he's been dealt a shitty hand really and I'm not okay with that. Seamus is a pure ray of sunshine, how could they not want him?

I think the little details of the soulmate thing are my fave! Like the feeling scared just before he knows why to be scared, and the excitement in Herbology when he hates it. (I've realised I'm gonna be saying he a lot and I'm already confusing myself so good luck)

"Sometimes Percy is the worst at being supportive" absolutely killed me! Amazing. You put so much thought into everyone else around the main characters and showing off their personalities even when they aren't important to the story.

My noted just say "Them getting each other excited at quidditch!" and I was going to explain but I don't think I need to xD Adorable. Perfect. Other adjectives.

Again with the details with how Seamus' mum and step-dad react to Dean being a Muggleborn. Obviously, I hate it because shitty character, but then I love it from a storytelling side. Like, you sure are making me conflicted over this dammit.

"Dean is usually a man of few words..." this whole bit it's such like a throwaway bit of information but it tells us so much about Dean as a character and fuck me I love it. Just write me all the little bits of detail I don't even care how many horrible things you do in the story if it's this detailed.

Honestly I think my whole review is going to mostly be on the details because the next note I have is about Fred and Oliver. The whole thing with them leading up to them actually getting a fucking grip and doing something about it is perfect. You haven't made it so in your face that they're getting together, but what you have put paints like a full picture of everything they deal with together and how the relationship evolves and just perfect (even with the grieving thing later on which I don't think I made a note on so fuck you in advance) and Geroge being glad he doesn't have to deal with it at school is honestly such a mood.

Then using Fred and Oliver as a reason for Percy to be an arse and throw himself into his work! Honestly it's so perfect and I love how you've managed to justify what an arse he is in canon in like one tiny section.

I love the way you've introduced Dean having a soulmate but left it ambiguous who it is. I deadass sat here for like 5 minutes trying to work out whether you'd be more likely to put Dean with Ron or Hermione. I settled on Ron, but now you'd made me think of HermioneDean and I want it! I hate you. Then you went and made it Gabrielle and I was kicking myself for forgetting her, but then also I LOVE IT I NEED MORE. I don't know if I need it more for the sassy Gabi later on, or for the comments from Dean at this point like the "she's like ten" and Dean being all official asking her parents and trying not to be a creep about it.

Seamus caring so much for Dean is so beautiful too like holy hell. I love how you've used Fleur failing as a reason for Seamus to not want to be a champion so he doesn't have to think about potentially failing to save Dean.

I mean, Dumbles is dead, Seamus is co-leading the DA... what are you about to do to me?

I know it shouldn't, but George biting his tongue when he gets the second-hand cruciatus did make me giggle a little.

Seamus being a confused little bean when everyone comes back and Dean doesn't have a wand and the repeating what the fuck is perfect and honestly is so relatable. But like, seriously all that shit must be so confusing if you haven't been in Harry's little bubble for the last year.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Percy's back and you're sticking way too close to canon I don't like this I know where this is going and I'm not ready for you to wreck me with Fred's death pls no.


Okay, I love you again for the "seems like an odd choice" at the snake bit! I don't think I've ever seen someone actually address how fucking weird that would seem to someone on the outside who doesn't know the importance of killing Nagini.

Fuck Seamus' mum for being like "yeah go get a flat get out of my life" like he's been through a WAR at least love your son a little bit you heartless bitch! Seamus is a pure human who deserves better than this, especially when he's helping George out just to be a friend and get him out of the house and not even knowing about the soulmate thing. That's a truly good person right there.

The bit with the muggle elves like it's just a passing comment but holy hell that tickled me xD

Love that Dean notices Seamus' feelings before Seamus does. And then the realisation from Seamus but it's basically didn't know they were dating and i fucking love that I have such a weakness for the cutesy tropes like that and I don't even know why.

Seamus being all brave and smiley on the surface with like the hidden darkness underneath touches a nerve and I love how you've dealt with it because it feels so real and it's so relatable and I love that they're both just supporting each other through the aftermath of the war and everything they've both lost.

Gabrielle being back I LOVE IT. I love her sass and her just shaking things up straight away and finally making Seamus and George deal with their soulmateness.


How the fuck did Seamus not work out they were soulmates? He's such a clueless idiot and I love it. And I love how you've brought beck the Ginny thing when she was taken and made it all link and George channelling the reader with the "it's fucking obvious duh" explaination of it.

So I find the idea of SeamusDennis hilarious but I also want to read it and HOW DO YOU DO THIS WITH THE WEIRD PAIRINGS I HATE YOU.

I... would apologise for the length of the review but honestly I don't care and hopefully it makes up for it being so late xD

I loved this so very, very much. I simultaneously love and hate you.

Great job :)
ThwartedNormal chapter 1 . 8/18/2018
I love it
ipsa dixit chapter 1 . 1/26/2018
this is the easiest nearly-10k i have ever read oml
you know when you're reading a really good book and you just CAN'T put it down? yeah, i was planning on just starting this, but here we are, nearly 30 minutes later and oh
first of all, i am falling i with this pairing and i love this au and i love that it takes place over such a long space of time and i love that there's different points of view in this
i thought dean's soulmate was going to be ron, bu him and gabi oh my god
im saying oh my god a lot okay
i just love every single word of this, all nearly-10k wHOA
muddier waters chapter 1 . 1/1/2018
fuck this was beautiful
catchingcrazines chapter 1 . 1/1/2018
This was really good! I never would have put these pairings together, but you made it work so well. :)
KatElizabeth97 chapter 1 . 12/31/2017
That was absolutely freaking BEAUTIFUL!