Reviews for Obsidian
UniqueElla chapter 2 . 1/6/2018
There is potential in this story and I'm curious to see where you take it. For now you've established a base that holds lots of possibilities for plot development. Stay motivated and keep writing!
Anonymous1O1 chapter 1 . 1/4/2018
That intro really had me hooked. I'm in the middle of class right now, so no time to read Chapter 1 lol. Looking forward to reading it in study hall later, though ;)

I love the concept of Paul, Gary, and Leaf being this killer trio.

Also, just because this seems to be your first January here as a Pokémon writer, I'll warn you, one writer to another. Every January, there is a group of writers who go around the Pokémon section of this site and lecture authors on the mistakes they make in their stories, whether the criticism is wanted or not. Some of the advice they offer isn't even accurate (such as telling people that because words like "lion" and "dog" aren't capitalized means that Pokémon and Charizard shouldn't be, as if exceptions to grammar rules don't exist. They're capitalized in all official media, so therefore should obviously be capitalized in writing). They aren't really taken that seriously, so just ignore them.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/30/2017
Woah...Hm...interesting...You peak my interest, let's see how this goes
Be aware this is might be the only review you get from me, I'll will be reading though...If I told you just why, you'd be wondering for years, I don't know you, but as (all) the same, I do