Reviews for That Flesh of Mine
Laeoukka chapter 16 . 8/7
UGH now I just want CUDDLES. This was delightful. Sad, hard, but warm. I love it.
ae2000xV2 chapter 16 . 8/7
Saiyajin Princess Chichi chapter 16 . 7/26
Ok gotta say, this is a hella slow burn, you're killing me smalls!

Also seems like we're finally ramping up toward more of the climax of this, I'm taking guesses all over the place here regarding where this is all going and how this can all possibly end. Hoping them getting into the school and doing that at least goes well, because lord knows shit is going to hit the fan at some point.

Did I mention that you're killin me here?!
Saiyajin Princess Chichi chapter 15 . 7/26
Ok, not going to lie, I couldn't stop snickering at Inuyasha's reaction to Kagome evading the question about how Koga responded to her on her street, and how Ayame got uncomfortable during their conversation. You kept the banter between the two of them on point and I love it.

Gunna read the next one now, because sleep is overrated anyway!
Guest chapter 16 . 7/18
Do you have a posting schedule or is it more random? I am absolutely in love with this story, hands down my favorite so far! Your writing is amazing!
jinulover chapter 16 . 7/14
I don't remember if I left a review for this chapter but I just had to let you know this was amazing to read. I didn't even realize how behind i had been until i came back to your page to read this chapter! I hope you have been well and I am sorry I mean so sorry for the really late review. I hope you know this is one of my favorite stories ever. You are amazing and I can't wait to read the next chapter!
gribed-li chapter 8 . 7/14
I'm in the middle of my rereading and it just dawned on me that they will never have the comfort of living an ordinary life (because they are clearly endgame, duh) and he can never be free (because he is basically in prison), unless you plan on making him permanently human at the end, but that would break my heart because he hates that. So I am bawling my eyes out. Ah, I just want them to be happy...
gribed-li chapter 16 . 7/13
So I am in the process of rereading this in anticipation of the next chapter (take your time!) and I just thought of a song for that soft and gentle moment near the end: Sufjan Stevens - Futile Devices! It seems to me that all I do these days that I come up with songs to your stories, but I can't help, sorry :D
On another note: I just love these four so much. The dynamics between all of them is amazing, with the fights and love and care, and being a happy chosen family of four. And I actually love that it is a slow burn because it makes all the small gestures and big realisations matter so much more.
Alita.Reinhart chapter 16 . 7/1
I don’t know how I missed the notifications that this had been updated, but when I decided to pop in for a reread of the last chapter I was delighted to discover that there was a chapter I hadn’t yet read waiting for me. I about lost my shit, drawing looks of concern from the hubs who quickly understood all the fuss when I told him what was up. What can I say, the man gets me. This was EVERYTHING I needed after the last few weeks.

I need you to understand, truly. These are not just meant to be flowery words of encouragement, but genuinely how I feel about this story, and it just gets more intense after every new chapterI’ve never been more in love with the characters of this fandom than I am when reading TFOM. Seriously.

It’s hard to wait for new chapters, but it is ALWAYS 100% WORTH THE WAIT. Thank you so much for the effort you so obviously put into this beautiful work.
Tribalbutterfly chapter 16 . 6/28
Witchy darling! I’ve been holding off on reading this until it’s complete but I finally caved. And I was not disappointed! You’re the slow burn QUEEN!
Cstorm86 chapter 16 . 6/28
I'm so sorry it took me so long to read this! I didn't know how much I needed this. Things have been hectic to say the least, but this was a perfect chapter. Of course, if you ask me, everything you write is perfect, so I'm biased. But I loved this chapter. Inuyasha figured it he loved her. It took the damn guy long enough! I'm so happy! And sang and Miroku are figuring things out, FINALLY! This was a great chapter!
XoAngelFaceoX chapter 16 . 6/28
Absolutely loving this story so far! i absolutely love how your portraying Inuyasha's gruff personality, so happy that hes finally finding a small bit of happiness through kagome, please update soon! really would love to see how this story pans out 5* Story telling!
pleco22 chapter 16 . 6/24
Phenomenal! Loving every chapter. Can't wait for the next installment )
andy2693 chapter 16 . 6/19
Gah! You need to update this story because it’s the only thing getting me through week 14 of quarantine! This story is sooooo we written and I’m completely obsessed!
sesshylovr chapter 16 . 6/15
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