Reviews for may i feel, said he
lady-ymmik chapter 20 . 5/25
This was my first Royai fic. And I BINGED so hard.

I knew I was hooked after that first kiss. It was just to charged and the entire moment surrounding it was so wonderful. I don't really have proper words for how this story has made me feel except that I can't wait to find out what happens next because that cliffhanger ripped my heart to pieces. All I know now is that I adore your Roy and Riza and all of their sexcapades.

Thank you so much for writing such a fun AU.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/25
Loving this
shayeh923 chapter 20 . 5/24
more more more
rosacurie chapter 20 . 5/17
first of all - i love this so much but greta makes me so angry. and the ch 20 is killing me!? i literally felt my heartbeat increase towards the ending aaaaaaa
roy, why you- nevermind, i try to focus all my anger and resentment towards greta.
riza, poor riza. she deserves a ton of VERY good explanations.
RainingTulips chapter 20 . 4/3
so okay, i fell in love with this ship recently and this is one of the first fic ive read about them and HOLLY FREAKING SHIT I REALLY LOVE THISSS?! it's just wow you guys are such wonderful writers. i am amazed how you incorporate poems in this story. since im taking poem related subject this year, it feels so close to my heart. gosh you have know idea how i giggled, cried, and blushing like crazy when reading this. it's so beautiful. i love how you develop their relationship. they fit each other perfectly (of course, not without flaws). but gahh the chapter that struck the most to me was prob chapter 17. when roy recites that poem to riza, i was just... speechless. that was so beautiful. if my partner doesn't do it like that what even they're doinggg?

anyway there's some suggestions tho, im sorry if it's terrible but since you put some spanish phrases in it (which i think is beautiful, btw) is it alright to ask if you can you also put the translation of the phrases at the top or the bottom of the chapter? because english is not my native language and and my knowledge in spanish is very limited. so sometimes when i read the story it's hard to understand. but i did google the meaning but it just difficult to go back and forth between the story and google translate. however i enjoy the poem mi reina. it's soo beautiful. and i want to thank you guys for introducing me to pablo neruda. anyway im sorry if my suggestion is terrible. you guys don't have to do it if you don't want to. i understand tho. ill just google it (it's good practice for improving my vocab, i think)

anyway, i just want to thank you so much for writing this. since ive finished the latest chapter, i couldn't stop thinking about it and will always come back to re-read. the story. and im sorry for the long review and the unwanted suggestions. take your time in your writing. it's alright, i dont mind waiting. just take care of yourself first and stay safe.
Guest chapter 20 . 3/13
Still looking forward to the next chapter ️ If life is in the way and you can’t continue this fanfic (which is totally understandable), could you post that?
massiecure chapter 5 . 2/25
Lezly chapter 20 . 11/19/2019
Very good stoey, I read the whole thing in a day! Great character development and also a great way to capture the characters personalities, not going too far from the originals. I love the way you describe the story , very entertaining. PLEASE dont take too long to update.
CamilaMustang chapter 1 . 10/17/2019
I must say this is quite amazing, I'm not a Big fan of AU, but this... changed my mind, I hope to read what's next soon
Guest chapter 20 . 8/6/2019
I’ve been following your fanfic for a long while. If’s incredibly well written and keeps me checking at least weekly for an update. I look forward to the next chapter, no matter how much time passes :)
ladywithpurplehair chapter 20 . 8/4/2019

Since I saw I was like three chapters behind I decided to re read the story (so worthy) to remeber everything and damn that's some wild cliffhanger you got there.

Thank you for the update and now I'll be eating my nails waiting (patiently) for an update ;O;

P.d: forrever my spirit animal in this story is Rebecca, lmao I love her sm.
Guest chapter 20 . 7/4/2019
Damn, that was a heavy chapter but I did enjoy how deep it went. Having an ex and then writing awkward and soul gripping interactions like you did was an interesting read. There is a lot of history and I like how Riza, despite being young, she is gathering Intel by observation and kindness. Poor Mae's. He is doing his best and I love that you didn't make him into a full Intel know it all. He can gather intel but you showed a side of him that brings out his insecurities. Thank you for doing justice to the characters! I dont normally look at royai au stories because the cannon is close to perfect for me, but this story was recommended and is currently my favorite au for royai.
SnowAndHoney chapter 20 . 7/3/2019
Love this fic so much! I know Greta is an OC but I keep picturing her as Lust from Brotherhood. Lol just the attitude I guess. Can't wait to read more!
EarnestlyArdent chapter 20 . 7/3/2019
Oh. My. God. !

I’m in AGONY that I’ll have to wait for the next chapter. ITS TOO MUCH
WildSilence023 chapter 20 . 7/3/2019
i was supposed to sleep before i saw the notif that you updated! AHHHHH now i couldn't sleep because of all the feelings for this chapter OMG this was too much

Great writing! tbh lovely work, truly awesome. i have no qualms about your structure, the plot, the EVERYTHING is great!

i just really, truly hate Milagros/Greta from the bottom of my heart. i've hated her then, and i still hate her now (funny because she's your OC and i want to strangle her, sorry).
i also feel so bad for Riza because as you've narrated, she really has no ally in this chapter! And to think she didn't even really want to go to this trip! huhuhuhuhu
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