Reviews for Anvil plus Duct Tape
CopperPrincess chapter 3 . 4/30
I am so in awe of the way you have not only crawled inside these characters' heads, but allow them to speak. And idk how you manage to pull of the sciencey magic, but damn. DAMN. Please keep writing.
Luzith chapter 3 . 2/24
Love it. Thanks!
Long Live BRUCAS chapter 3 . 9/26/2018
Very emotional time for the boys. A bit scary and very sad when it looked like Jack and Mac were about have to say good bye to each other. Good think for Ry just in time.
PuPpyPound chapter 1 . 9/22/2018
Great reference to 21 Jump Street. Great chapter!
SarahDrav3n chapter 3 . 8/18/2018
I am a fan of your writings from before, but I didn't read any Mac related storys from you! So THIS WAS GREAT! I saw every moment befor me, every little smile of Jack :) and the storyline was great too! Thank you very much for it. I will read your other MacGyver fanfictions too! LOVE
inatepaz chapter 3 . 5/5/2018
Finished the story! Amazing! The scene at the Graveyard was excellent and I don't know how fate had me reading this story at this time, but I was missing my mom and kind of wishing I could talk to her. It has been a while since I've been to the cemetery. Thanks for the wonderful story, now on to your next.
inatepaz chapter 2 . 5/5/2018
just finished chapter 2 and you brought me to tears. granted I was having a really bad night being up half the night with my elderly dog who was having tummy issues. So I sat curled up on my couch and let the tears gently come. The descriptions, the dialogue, the emotions, all fantastic.
inatepaz chapter 1 . 5/1/2018
I was going to save my review till the end, but there was too much good to not post something now. First, when you used the line "rip off their arms and beat them over their heads," I just about lost it. My mom use to say that and I don't think I've ever heard anyone else say it till now. Second, the whole scene in the rain, just about broke my heart! And the 15 second thing, I am a child of the 80s too and a huge fan of 21 Jump Street. now on to chapter 2.
Sanderspleen chapter 2 . 4/23/2018
Oh man, I think I need to watch whatever episode brings up Jack's father. This whole grave scene, with Jack so vulnerable and admitting his fears of Mac dying to his dead father was so touching. And I LOVE that Mac showed up and heard what Jack was saying to his dad about him. Even more so, I loved Mac giving that softly spoken, heartfelt, "you're a good guy too Jack" as they were leaving. Props to the dance-music-play metaphor! Beautifully said rock sister! Willie Nelson, heroes, cowboys...such a sweet awesome ending. You always have a way with giving us true closure to your stories, yet we walk away with all the emotion still lingering in our hearts, always wanting more, but still completely satisfied with how everything played out and came together in the end. Just so you truly understand, YOU are the reason I got sucked in to these characters. It's like Merlin happening all over again. LOL!
Sanderspleen chapter 2 . 4/23/2018
So many moments in the beginning of this chapter had me smilingwhile the rest had me on the edge of my seat, taking shallow breaths with anticipation on how they were going to get out of this mess. I wanted to read faster, but didn't want it to endoh how I've missed your stories! I love how Mac realizes Jack's purposethe very thing Jack is always telling himhe's the constant that balances Macsomehow his partner managed to get behind his walls and set up camp". Knowing he doesn't let too many people passed those barriers, I love how you have Mac realizing he's actually comforted with Jack on that other side with him. I already can't remember which episode it was (since I watched so many in a row), but there was one that had each of them needing to pretend the other was with them while they were separated for whatever reason, because they needed the comfort they bring to each otherand it took someone else on the team to point out their co-dependent need for each other. You keep that emotion real and so raw in this story. This one had me nodding in agreementit's kinda strange the levels of chaos people can handle in their lives"... or, as we both know for some, it's what they CAN'T handle that can be so perplexing. So many pop culture references I could kiss you! Back/Future, Star Wars, Die Hard, Star Trek, even grand theft auto? LOL!did I miss any? I couldn't help but think of Heroes with the "saving you saves the worldsans the cheerleader part. Not sure if you meant that, but I'm pretending you did *cheesy grin* The entire scene of Jack having to watch Mac through the glass door, watching his suffering, was so intense! An amazing scene! It made me cringe having to watch Mac's torture through Jacks eyescompletely heartbreaking. The worst (best) was Jack remembering Mac's words, "do you know what I can do in 15 seconds Jack?" . Through it all, you had humor rolling off of Jack in all the right places, as especially appropriate in his character when under so much stress. And Mac doing his best to encourage it, even when nearly passing out, doling out his own glimpses of humor in an effort to comfort Jack. Beautiful. The best of the best...the very end of the chapter; Mac wanting Jack to stay with him, and Jack understanding his need without him actually saying anything, just grasping his hand. Excellent way to end this chapter. So much feels!
Sanderspleen chapter 1 . 4/21/2018
Ummm...HI! So, it seems you've brought me into this world that I wasn't sure I wanted to enter. Today, Jerry and Emily where gone all day, and Zach was doing his own thing with friends after we got back from seeing a movie together, so I decided to dive into this show after reading this first chapter of your first Mac fic today - because as per usual, you roped me in! And after seeing you've now written 3 stories in this world, how could I not look into it when I had so much time in one day for myself for once? Which, seriously, never happens for me anymore. I haven't even gone to ch. 2 yet, and you made me love these characters. Today I watched all the episodes with Murdoc from S1, and the one in S2 where Murdoc kidnapped Mac. Hook, line and...I'm in!
My favorite scene in S1 - the ep that introduced Murdoc - was Jack telling Mac "I'm not going to argue with you about this...I cannot do my thing if I'm worried about losing you every minute! Last thing I need is your death on my conscience. That'd kill me. Don't do that to me." The way Jack's voice softens and becomes more emotional in those last 2 sentences made me oh so love him and his ultra protectiveness over Mac.
You captured those emotions in this first chapter, with Jack doing everything he can to convince Mac how important he is - "if it's a choice between you and the world, I'm choosing you every time". But I sincerely think it's the emotional pain you captured in Mac that had me wanting to watch the show, hoping it would give even a fraction of what you did. Although we both know CBS can fall extremely short of the emotional potential in most of their shows - the Murdoc storyline didn't. It was at least enough that I was able to find those little nuggets of sincerity, loyalty and love between these two. And the way the other characters KNOW that about them, giving a realness to it by that acknowledgement. So I'm glad I chose those episodes. And now I have to get my ass into these stories! Which I'm really excited about because I HAVE SO MISSED YOU! I have missed your writing and how your enthusiasm shows in these characters that make us feel . I have missed seeing YOU in certain moments and situations that you pull from things you're going through, things that have affected you. The way you bring out this rawness in the characters, stripping them of the protective layers they build to keep others out - the way you try so hard to do with your own pain and hurt with your IN family.
I don't know how long it'll take me to actually read through all 3 stories - only because RL has truly stripped a lot of my ability and time to indulge in the things I want to do for ME, but I'm in!
Artemis3737 chapter 3 . 4/3/2018
I just read this, and it was FANTASTIC! I really liked the ending and how in character everyone was! To be honest, this could become a MacGyver episode. I loved the bromance and everyone's dialogue and reactions to situations were spot on! Good job!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/25/2018
Inganog chapter 3 . 1/31/2018
Just wanted to let you know that, as a Mac whump lover, I've been reading DOZENS of fanfics (the show writers keeo hiding the whump and bromance scenes!)... mas yours is, by far, my FAVOURITE MacGyver fanfic. Like, EVER.
Thank you VERY MUCH for such an awesome, well-written, brilliant story. And, please, write more fics! *_*
LovinJackson chapter 3 . 1/20/2018
Loved this chapter the most I think. Loved Jack through all of it. Love his 100% loyalty to Mac in this show and your story. I love that Mac always comes before even the mission most times with Jack. It’s refreshing.

I really enjoyed the ending with Jack speaking to his deceased father. Once again, I cannot say enough how much in character your characters are when you write them. You have this flair and talent like no other.

Keep up the great work 3
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