Reviews for Undercurrents
johnnyv1986 chapter 15 . 6/23/2019
So is this a re-write of the chapter or something. I never got a notification for it. I then checked back thru my emails and chapter 15 was posted on June last year and then chapter 16 was posted Oct last year. So what happened to chapter 16 then?
SpaceShipEarth1 chapter 15 . 6/21/2019
WOW I can't wait for the next chapter of this wonderful story

Kudos on the detail in the Mature part of this chapter
Zootanic chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Great start!
upplet chapter 16 . 10/8/2018
Glad to see you writing again. Short, but sweet chapter.
up all nite chapter 15 . 10/8/2018
As long as you plan on continuing eventually, this is still one of my favorite zootopia docs; the way you characterize Nick and Judy is perfect, excellent work as always! Can’t ( but will) wait to read more!
OryanStargazer chapter 15 . 7/27/2018
great chapter loved it after so long had to reread the entire story to remember it XD... that being said i hope that "in a year and a half or longer" comment was a joke XD
Naoko Mint chapter 15 . 7/24/2018
This story is amazing! I love how well you've made Nick hold back all this time too! Thank you for your wonderful work!
imjustlikehumphery chapter 15 . 7/19/2018
Great chapter cubist, keep it up! After Nick and Judy woke up and got cleaned up with some sweet and accurate words from Judy to Nick and both got dressed for work, Bogo ended up givin them somethin special to do durin their patrol. It took them longer than they thought cause it seemed everyone in Savannah Central wanted to commit a moving violation or get into a fender-bender or speed. Hell they couldn't even finish a lunch break in their cruiser without a couple cars speedin by. This special assignment Bogo gave them had Nick runnin into his mentor from when he was a kit learnin to hustle. Theo as Nick called him was found doin what put him in jail for fifteen years or so, swindling tourists outta their money by doin what foxes do it seems. Thankfully Nick doesn't do that anymore though. Anyway Nick bein mentored by Theo must have granted him mercy for he along with Judy granted him ONE chance to straighten up. He's to work for Fin at his Pawpsicle store with absolutely no complaints and such. If he puts one thing outta place or makes trouble Fin agreed to tell Nick and Judy about it. If Theo doesn't wanna go back to jail he'll abide by those terms. It's up to him now. As the day went on for Judy and Nick they left separately after finishing their reports. Judy again found herself at Nick's apartment after not bein able to sleep. Though it doesn't sound like that's all she came over for based on what they did together as she did to him what he did to her not long ago. Still not goin all the way cause of Nick and their agreement and all Judy wanted to return the favor it seems. After that she seemed to be much less apprehensive of his size when they finally go all the way though which is good. Still can't wait to see how Judy's parents and Nick's if he has any not to mention Bogo reacts to their relationship. Can't wait for the next chapter!
CherubsWrath chapter 15 . 7/18/2018

I am patient for the next chapter, but I am also hoping it doesnt take a year and a half for it, this story is fantastic. It's such a unique spin on a common denominator in the wildehopps fandom.

Please continue doing what you are doing, a good story like this is certainly worth the wait!
Guest chapter 14 . 7/6/2018
Please please PLEAAASSSSEEE continue this fic, this is my absolute FAVORITE zootopia fanfic, thank you so much for sharing this!
carick of hunter moon chapter 14 . 5/8/2018
very good take on the plot hook/ ship a well thought out story that in character to characters thank you for your hard work

Story Recommendation
" Kit" is a story written by Fel which I think you may find it interesting.
To find Kit Search: Worlds of Fel - Weavespinner . net
Kit's story is set in world roughly like modern day America, he is a fox who has been disowned a son of an "old money" family and the story starts with Kit falling in love.
imjustlikehumphery chapter 14 . 5/4/2018
Great chapter cubist, keep it up! Wow they had to have had a helluva lot of sexual tension between them for what happened durin patrol to actually happen. Good thing that Judy realized where they were. Once back and Nick's place both were able to unleash what built up since that encounter which was just as much if not more given the boring day they had. Nick worked his tongue expertly if Judy's many moans and such were any indication. What Nick said at the end is totally right though. I honestly think he's fallin for his partner and I think she's doin the same for him. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Robert Escher chapter 14 . 5/4/2018
Props for the Numan reference. He's probably my favorite artist of all time. If you liked Splinter, you'd love Savage.

Also, great chapter as always!

CherubsWrath chapter 14 . 5/4/2018
Oh thank you, I am at work and I saw this update. By far one of my favorite stories for Zootopia, and another excellent chapter as well, steamy, but not cringey at all. Exquisite!
disco the shadycat chapter 13 . 4/19/2018
I rarely bother to log in, but I'm enjoying the hell out of this story. There are definitely elements that I recognize from other stories, but they're high quality ones, and it reads more like homage than anything else. I recognize many of the suggested tracks, and you have taste. Cowboy Junkies are the truth. All in all, an enjoyable story that I hope to see continue.

Question: are you by any chance the same Cubist who wrote stories in the Tales from the Blind Pig universe years ago?
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