Reviews for Exposing the Truth!
Almia chapter 12 . 9/4/2009
What an awsome story! One the best I've ever read! :D
Notell chapter 12 . 11/24/2008
Sequel please.
Ambezua chapter 12 . 9/23/2008
Not bad... not bad at all! 8/10 (I would add it to my C2, but... I think it is a bit too dark)
Ashley chapter 12 . 2/20/2008
WHAT? HE IS NOT GUILTY THAT MADE NO SENSE IN EXPOSING THE TRUTH. However that is a great clifhanger saying that he is not guilty.
Fluffyone chapter 12 . 12/16/2007
You can't just make him not guilty like that! THAT'S EVIL! ;P

I think there should be a sequel, but great job anyways.
ChloboShoka chapter 1 . 6/30/2007
Hiya Ashla,

Althrough I'm not a aaml fan. Don't worry I'm not here to flame you. It's a very wonderful fic. he ending to the first chap was really amusing. Good job Ashla.
clara200 chapter 1 . 6/15/2006
What! Now there a bit of a twist.
Lil Wolf Syaoran 23 chapter 12 . 6/21/2005
cool fic...very funny in the beginning! _
GiGgLyGaL chapter 12 . 6/12/2004
great story...but why isn't payne guilty! he is SO gulity! good job on the story though!

tcganimefan chapter 10 . 3/30/2004
yes, why Garry?
tcganimefan chapter 1 . 3/29/2004
It rocked. definatly rocked
Deja Know I Been Lookin For Vu chapter 12 . 3/18/2004
I was all going along with this story, like boom boom, awesome awesome, love it love it, then WHAM. NOT GUILTY? You're guilty of evilness for doing that! *whimpers* Well, apart from that (*sticks out tongue*), I really enjoyed the story. :D
Ironic Sonic chapter 12 . 2/5/2004
You are my favorite author of all time!
Please make a sequel
Ninetalesuk chapter 12 . 1/25/2004
Come on! Do a sequel! Please? Do it otherwise... Noctowl?
Noctowl: *Uses Hypnosis* You will make a sequel. You will make a sequel.
Don't go to far, Noctowl...
Shadow Fox 05 chapter 12 . 1/5/2004
nice work a sequal is a must for this great fic keep up the good work
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