Reviews for Inter Dimensional Ask Box
Glamprincess237 chapter 1 . 9/10/2018
Hi new Fandom! *Waves*
Chloe, stop being so mean!
Lila, stop lying!
Adrien, Marinette is NOT just a friend!
Plagg, You're right, people are blind, here's some cheese *gives cheese *
Hawk Moth , give up already, she's not coming back!
*mutters to self* Oh wait... in this ask, all characters come back dead, alive or missing...
Audrey, Set a better example for your daughter!
Nora, your sister is not a little girl, she can look after herself
Everyone, Have fun!
Zach chapter 19 . 9/9/2018
*holds Baby Six and Runaway Kid and cuddles them*
I regret nothing.
Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll turn back eventually... so how are all the future ship kids doing? And shouldn’t we be expecting a new one with a new fandom introduced? I’m not super familiar, are Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir a thing or no?
Zach chapter 19 . 9/5/2018
*randomly turns half the cast into babies to be taken care of by non-babies*
Ha! Thanos has nothing on me! My version’s cuter and more fun!
Also before you start, they are balanced. See?
*puts two babies on a big scale and smirks*
Popculturefan00 chapter 18 . 8/31/2018
I haven't updated because I need more reviews to put in the chapter, so, until then
Author-senpai chapter 18 . 7/3/2018
Happy Independence Day everyone!
Glamprincess chapter 18 . 7/2/2018
Hehe, now that you have stepped out of your comfort zone, I have something special for all of you *accidentally trips on some kind of machine * Ow, hopefully nothing bad happened
justice aberdeen chapter 1 . 6/14/2018
just kidding.
justice put the baby down and got to work on trying to clean the house.
"stg you guys why did you make such a mess"
she asked no one in particular
she finished cleaning and went to bed.
justice aberdeen chapter 17 . 5/29/2018
justice walked into the house holding the baby.
she looked up to see utter chaos.
then she noped the fuck outta there.
Zach chapter 17 . 5/26/2018
So Chisk, how go your romantic endeavors?
Frisk, flirt with Chara, please.
Six, here’s a snack for you.
*gives her a big sandwich that she scarfs down*
Don’t worry, it’s not made of people.
Eevees for everyone!
*releases a bunch of eevees into the ask house, grabbing one for me*
Glamprincess237 chapter 17 . 5/23/2018
Soo coast clear? All good?
*comes out from hiding *
Aww, who's baby is this? Soo cute?
Now, onto dares
Papyrus, pun as much as you can
Pikachu, let Team Rocket give you any ONE command.
Mest , let people call you a lolicon for the day .
Kirito, have a lightsaber duel with darth Vader.
Haruhi, kiss kiss fall in love with one of the fellow host club members
Yurio, say 10 nice things to or about Yuri
Zach chapter 16 . 5/11/2018
Huh... distractions eh? Yeah I can help with that!
*starts running from her and places a Snorlax to block the hallway. Stops by the room with the kids*
RK, Six, and anyone else who’s good at running and hiding follow me! We need to distract Utf and we can’t win a straight up fight, so we’re gonna read her diary!
*runs with the kids to her room and starts reading out loud before passing it to Six to run and hide under furniture away from Utf, and passing it throughout the room kid to kid*
justice aberdeen chapter 1 . 5/2/2018
i love how nobody cares about the baby
stuff she had when she was with mark
sans your supposed to be a good father
and any ways the reasob she had it was bcuz she thot she was
going to spend her life with mark
but it didnt end up that way.
Zach chapter 15 . 4/16/2018
*grabs the kids and leads them to a room guarded by Toriel, Asuna, Lucy and a few other of their mothers who can protect them*
Alright, I don’t know what’s gotten into you today, but if you’re gonna hurt our friends, and especially those kids, you aren’t gonna like what happens. So, are we going to settle this like grown-ups or do I have to bring out the big guns? Because I know a LOT of fandoms that we can draw from for fighters. Or if you’d prefer, we can play checkers?
*pulls out a checkers board*
Glamprincess237 chapter 15 . 4/15/2018
Hmm so my spell only lasted one chapter...
*sees Utf acting evil * I-if you want I-I can help you with your plans w-whatever it is...
*too scared to oppose *
justice aberdeen chapter 15 . 4/14/2018
justice was digging thruoghher closet.
"dammit! where did i put the baby stuff" shed asked herself.
sans walked in " what baby stuff?" he questioned.
justice turned around.
"the baby stuff i bought when me and mark were still together"
she answered sheepishly looking at the ground.
"why did you need baby stuff when you were with mark"
justice blushed " i was planning for the future"
he blush covered her whole face as she walked over to a box
it said 'marks junk' on the side
"hey can you help me get rid of this please?" she asked holding it up.
sans nodded and grabbed the box "i'll get rid of it for you"
he said as he walked out of the room and teleporting to his room.
'i wonder why she wants to get rid of her boyfriends stuff?'
he asked opening the box.
there were mostly pictures in it of her and mark
but he saw something it was a ring, an engagement ring.
'but they couldnt get married their too young'
"yeah we're too young in this timeline."
justice said sighing sadly as she walked over and sat down next to him
"if you look through some of the pictures youll see what i mean"
she pointed to a picture of a young woman with copper hair
the woman was laughing with a young man
who sans will admit looked like mark.
"are these from an alternate timeline?" he asked.
justice noddedholding a picture of the older her being pregnant
there was another picture of her going to prom
zach on one side of her and sans on the other
sans looked up at her"why are me and zach standing next to you?"
justice giggled
"well bcuz both of you are likke my real dads so i couldnt choose between you two..."
she looked at the picture with tears forming in her eyes
"i wanted you both to escort me and my date to prom."
sans heart broke as she finished talking.
"justice? why are you cry-" he stopped himself from finishing
"that night some monster hater killed me and zach you got out alive"
she started to tremble
"you had begged chara to reset but she refused"
sans put a hand on her shoulder realizing the things shes seen
"eventually you and mark killed yourselfs"
she chuckled darkly
"its not the only time thats happened either"
she grabbed a scrapbook that said'my deaths' on the cover
"this has pictures of all my dead bodies every single universe and timeline"
sans looked through the book
"damn kiddo youve seen it all havent you?"
justice shook her head no
suddenly they heard the baby crying
justice grabbed the box and left to her room
when she got bin there and finally got the baby quiet
she started to put away the box when she grabbed one picture
of her and the whole family playing monopoly
she put that beside her bed and got back to work on making her room babyfied.
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