Reviews for A Strange Encounter
RosePearl chapter 1 . 5/16/2019
Really enjoyed this. Love the premise; I haven't seen any other fics do a crossover quite like this. I love the idea of Loki on a mission to collect the stones before Thanos can! Re: the movie portrayal of Strange and Loki's first meetingI have my own ideas of what Loki was up to while Strange and Thor were catching up... and it wasn't falling through a bottomless pit! Master of illusion and all that.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/2/2019
Yeah, I hat how under powered he is in Ragnarok.
Pouffy kitteh chapter 1 . 10/17/2018
Speaking of Thor: Ragnarok, I would have expected for Loki to be more traumatized after falling for 30 minutes - because of the unpleasant memories it would have evoked.
I thought Loki was OOC in much of Ragnarok, so I spent a lot of the movie just enjoying the eye candy!
Cortana Hansen chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
I don't suppose you'll be continuing this anytime soon? It's pretty interesting so far. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14/2018
Loki is no warrior
Rival Argentica chapter 1 . 6/23/2018
AHHHHH! LOKI AND DR. STEPHEN STRANGE! MY TWO MOST FAVOURITE MAGICAL PRACTITIONERS OF ALL TIME! Well, not ‘of all time’, really, I’m still in love with this other anime character but...anyways.

The fire between these two. The FIRE. I would love to see them in a fight, and though I’d imagine Loki would easily win, Dr. Strange has some pretty cool tricks up his sleeve too, but this fanfic wasn’t a disappointment in the action area—verbal sparring works for me as well. This: “You attacked another annoy Thor?” and this: “What drives Thanos?” “Death.” “Fear of death?” “Love of death.”
“Oh. Okay.”

I’m SO loving Strange’s deadpan. XD He’d really work well with Loki’s sass in a fanfic!
Nice. I didn’t know about the Orb of Agamotto...that could be a fanfic relic...hmmmmm.
Armandis chapter 1 . 6/22/2018
Thanks for this!
DXRULES103 chapter 1 . 5/17/2018
I loved everything about this. I really enjoy the possibilities surrounding Loki and Strange. Whether it's this epic friendship/rivalry or this epic romance I think these two are amazing together.

I agree with you that I wish Loki wasn't made as the butt of the joke. I think he could have at least showed Strange a little of what he was capable of cause let's face it Loki is a powerful person and just - I hate how little of what he can do is shown in the MCU.

You wrote this so well. I hope there is more or a sequel but even if there isn't. Thank you for being one of the few to actually write these two. I love it.
Sakamae chapter 1 . 3/29/2018
This story is good! I like the writing style and how you depict the characters.
But I’m going to be the one to point out... in regard to your last sentences during the notes, Loke does not kick butt. I don’t know how well you know Norse Mythology, but Loke Odin’s blood brother, and Tor has quite the temperament. He’s not calm and wise.
I love Loke in the actual mythology, because he is clever as much as a coward. He holds no wishes to rule, like some stereotypical boring villain. And he never resorts to physical violence, he fights through trickery, deceit, lies and words, and I don’t think Marvel has made that evident enough, which annoys me as much as how they ruined the family tree.
But I’m this fanfic, he seems more prone to using words, and I’m grateful for that.
They could also have changed of course, personalities altered over the centuries. (But I doubt Odin suddenly decided to adopt his brother Loke...)
Anyways. Sorry for that little ranting. If you... don’t know the comics, there’s a great Scandinavian comic called Valhalla which depicts him this way. /images/39PdKX
lordvaatithewindmage chapter 1 . 3/19/2018
Yay! Finally, a story with Dr strange and loki interaction and actual magic being done! Loki certainly has a lot of infinity stones close by...
Rivy chapter 1 . 1/15/2018
I absolutely loved it. Please, do right a proper fanfiction for it, when you are done with Beneath. As always, your imagination is one of the best out there!
foolondahill17 chapter 1 . 1/4/2018
Shorter review than usual: this story made me smile...and elicited several questioning looks from my family when I laughed out loud at several moments: "an older Hannibal Lecter," "I keep expecting you to add the work 'inconceivable' every time you speak" and "Now I've shown you mine, how about you show didn't mean that literally."

Interesting story. Loved the interaction between Strange and Loki...Ragnarok just didn't give us enough.
MacMhuirich chapter 1 . 12/8/2017
I like this. As I knew I would. I know you never disappoint in your story writing.
It's a strange encounter indeed between 2 mages (whom I just love) and it's already clear their acquaintance won't be always easy. How far would they trust each other? Strange will still be wary of the God of Misschief, Duscord, Lies...etc...etc... And Loki, well, will always be our lovely devious bastard. Hehehe.
Needless to say I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Or is this a oneshot? I hope not.
Kenobi1 chapter 1 . 12/7/2017
Cool! It was a pleasure to read
Stephanie MRV chapter 1 . 12/7/2017
Damn this was a good little one shot. It still gets to me how even with how bad Loki is you still make him so desirable.
Wonderful short story
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