Reviews for Dead Silent
Guest chapter 25 . 4/12/2018
Oh my goodness. I absolutely love the Negan ending. I wish it was continued.
elljayde chapter 25 . 4/13/2018
Great endings and both work, Would have been nice if the Negan ending had a baby on the way too. Great story thank you for writing it!
badluckaly chapter 25 . 4/13/2018
I love that you added both endings, but I’m not gonna lie I love the daryl one a lot more, I’m sad it’s over tho, it was awesome to read
Dixon-Vixen13 chapter 25 . 4/12/2018
Great endings! I can't even decide which one I like better. I've been a Daryl fan since forever but I love Negan too so this satisfies both!
Kara315 chapter 24 . 4/12/2018
Aww I loved the Daryl ending. Glad she didn’t want Negan to die, I really didn’t either. The Negan ending was good as well. You did a great job!
Dixon-Vixen13 chapter 23 . 4/7/2018
Great chapter. I can't wait for the endings!
badluckaly chapter 23 . 4/7/2018
Oh god, I hope none of them die :(
Dixon-Vixen13 chapter 22 . 4/6/2018
I just binge read this entire story and I'm loving it. I'm so torn between shipping Kirsty and Negan or Kirsty and Daryl. You've written Negan so well that I can't decide whether I love him or hate him the more he fights to keep her.
Kara315 chapter 22 . 4/3/2018
Great chapter. I really like that Dwight is helping Daryl and hopefully will help Kirsty get out. I want them back together. Can't wait for more!
badluckaly chapter 22 . 4/3/2018
It’s so hard to figure out who I should root for, but I’m probably gonna stick with Daryl, cuz god, Negan would go on just fine without her, Daryl more than likely wouldn’t
Kara315 chapter 21 . 3/31/2018
Maybe you should do alternate endings, one for each team lol. Although I think she should end up with Daryl for sure, Negan may like her but he's still a dick lol and hopefully she really realized it here. Her going back with Negan to keep Daryl alives shows she cares for Daryl.
I think the idea is a good one, that way everyone is happy. Although, I still love Negan stories, especially all of yours, I just think Daryl fits with Kirsty better. But either way it's a great story.
badluckaly chapter 21 . 3/31/2018
Oh hell no, ugh, gah what the fuggg! You got me all anxious too! This is fantastic, I can’t explain how excited and nervous I am
badluckaly chapter 20 . 3/29/2018
I want her to run away with Daryl but poor Negan, he likes her too much
Kara315 chapter 20 . 3/29/2018
She needs to just pick, she’s playing both sides lol Anyway really liking the story. Looking forward to more. I wonder if Dwight is actually going to try and belong daryl and kirsty.
Guest chapter 19 . 3/26/2018
Team Negaaaaan.
I mean, I love Daryl but come on, there’s too many stories about him and yours is a decent NeganxOC I actually enjoy. Besides, the relationship between them is amazing, good chemistry there.
Love your story btw. Cheers. x
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