Reviews for The Difficulties Of Raising A Cub
Xerxes SochiVeln chapter 16 . 5/7
dang its been a year man. hope to see an update to the story as well as to you author!
Guest chapter 16 . 1/18
Eyyy it's good yooo, can't wit for the next chapter plzz update
Judge the Worthy chapter 8 . 12/17/2019
Mordred's lullaby... chilling.
Guts and Toes chapter 9 . 11/25/2019
this is insane. is mordred going to become like the camelot mordred fgo? i will still killl a man as long i dada orders me? holy fuck
Guts and Toes chapter 2 . 11/24/2019
how did altria destroyed excalibur
Guts and Toes chapter 2 . 11/24/2019
what the hell. did guinevere became Cersei? xD
OSIRIS VALENSKY chapter 16 . 5/22/2019
Mordred: papi tiene tetas OH MY GOD!
Gracias, con las pastillas para la enfermedad ya veras que me voy a curar ;)
PD: hijos de putas esos que lastimaron a mi weiss
PD2: Sera acaso que mami castrara a dada *o*
ZenoZen chapter 16 . 5/18/2019
one word: sad, i hope something good will happen to mordred and weiss. Also the best way to win a siege is to souround the enemy castle until they get starve.
UnkownSoul chapter 16 . 5/18/2019
Friend for life secure!

Also that little preview at the end is great!
Dragon Man 180 chapter 16 . 5/18/2019
OH dear, looks like Mordred is going to get the birds and the bees talk soon... then I can see her busting down Merlin's door and demanding he help her parents make her a big sister and if he refuses I can see her grabbing a wooden sword and beating him over the head around the castle and Merlin knowing if he retaliates to much Arturia and Gweneviere will go into Mama Bear mode and make him regret living, to say nothing of Weiss.
potstickers4lyfe chapter 16 . 5/17/2019
Is it loyalty? Like the answer to the riddle. I find it hard to believe the Lord will give a task like that to her though.
I’ve been wondering, but in canon, Mordred is a homunculus and have exceptional growth (physically at least) so does she also grow faster than other children? And if so did the others (Altria and Guinevere) notice?
omegazero2718 chapter 16 . 5/17/2019
A kiss to seal a promise of a lifetime
amerdism chapter 16 . 5/17/2019
Unexpected, I didn’t think you’d answer all my reviews at once but I can’t say I’m disappointed or anything. Any way I was actually going to pose another question to you but the preview at the chapter end answered that. The question was about where her Mordred new Altria’s real name and gender, I was curious cause it was somewhat eluded to I. The birthday chapter but also debunked when it was revealed mordred simply worded what she said in such a way to mix up what Altria thought merlin showed her and what mordred said she doesn’t have.
OSIRIS VALENSKY chapter 15 . 5/14/2019
Cuando la reina termina de leer la carta se sentira super orgullosa de que su hija tomo sus consejos, fue un momento como decirlo feliz dia de las madres verdad jejej
Tu leal lector
PD: si tarde en leer los capitulos estuve enfermiza, te pido perdón
OSIRIS VALENSKY chapter 14 . 5/14/2019
Pero volviste eso es lo que importa
Papa al rescate, mi pequeña mordred
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