Reviews for Plan B, Foiled!
rycummings03 chapter 5 . 9/23/2019
I really like your story so far
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28/2019
Yeah that's definitely the way to make someone love you
Pjhoofan678 chapter 4 . 5/13/2019
No you can't end it like that's! Can you please update
Pjhoofan678 chapter 4 . 5/13/2019
I actually like this twist about Nico,Annabeth,Jason,etc being thieves and all but I'm confused as to what gang Luke is running
Jacqui chapter 4 . 4/17/2019
rycummings03 chapter 2 . 2/17/2018
I really like the story so for
Izzybella12 chapter 2 . 12/19/2017
I really liked this chapter! I'm telling you, this is a great story. Love the idea and everything! :) Can't wait for the next chapter! Can you PM me again? Thanks! Are we going to see any specifics about what happened to Percy during those last three years? Or will it just keep going without questionably lengthy flashbacks? Again, this is awesome!
Izzybella12 chapter 1 . 11/26/2017
The word count makes it look short, but this chapter actually felt a lot longer than it was, if you ask me! This is so different, I'm super intrigued. I can't wait to see what you decide to do next! Do you think you could let me know via PM when you update? I'm terrible at keeping track of all the updates for the best stories haha. Thanks! And I really do like it so far. Keep up the good work!