Reviews for After Ragnarok
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3
Great story!
I managed to read this “To soon to face a second mortal menace. The survivors of Asgard were peasants mostly, not sorcerers, not Einherjars, and they didn't have armors nor weapons. “ like this “To soon to face a second mortal menace. The survivors of Asgard were peanuts mostly, not sorcerers, not Einherjars, and they didn't have armors nor weapons. “
Elay grimm chapter 2 . 5/7
Sería genial si lo sigues actualizando
Elay grimm chapter 1 . 5/7
Sería genial si shield también pelea que otros héroes agregadas sería genial si ghost rider también asiste por parte de strange sería genial si lo sigues actualizando
MysteriousGuest chapter 7 . 4/13
Wow... Just wow... You have done a huge amount of work to write this story... It is so deep! The tale of Knut is very touching, poor being, and there are so many revelations like why Gunring responds so well to Loki and what Laufey thinks about Loki and what really happened with him and dark magic in his childhood that even Thor couldn't know about it. There must have been many hours put into developing all the different things in the storyline, and I appreciate it.
GliderPilot chapter 1 . 1/3
Yikes, Loki’s having a rough time. Hope things get better for him.
MysteriousGuest chapter 6 . 12/23/2019
I'm reading this the second time now. It has many wonderful and clever parts. I don't know why it doesn't have more reviews, because it has earned them. I liked how they find that Loki is not acting himself, how he has that cursed scar in his back, that he has been infected by the larvae and tries to protect the others from them... also I liked how Loki's mother does a tooth inspection on him! That was funny! :D And Wanda being there for him through his dental difficulties as a Jotun. Great! :) The story has many twists and turns that make it interesting. Great job! :)
lokilucky chapter 6 . 1/6/2019
This book is amazing! I love it so much, I can't wait to see where it goes next xx
Suzy P chapter 6 . 7/23/2018
Just finished reading your story which is labelled as complete, I find it hard to believe that you would just leave it like it is.
The story just seems to finish in the middle of a conversation and you are left wondering how it finishes.
Another note, I don't confess to be fantastic at grammar or spelling but your story obviously has not been beta read.
It would be great if this story could be completed but with correct grammar and spelling.
All in all a good plot and characters are pretty close.
XBrokXenX chapter 6 . 7/1/2018
Great chapter. There were a few grammatical errors, but I was able to overlook due to the well-written plot. You've got me hooked, please update soon!
XBrokXenX chapter 1 . 4/7/2018
This is amazing. Is it truly complete? OR are you actually going to continue it? Let me know, I would love to read more!
AnotherShiningStar chapter 1 . 4/1/2018
This was really interesting.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/25/2018
What is this Avengers x Loki?
Guest chapter 4 . 3/8/2018
rin2004 chapter 4 . 3/10/2018
congratulations is one of the most beautiful loki centric stories I've read! you managed to create an interesting and compelling story and that probably will be better than the next marvel movies. I like how you have characterized the character of loki, how you put him in touch with his biological family with all the complex feelings that derive especially towards the queen mother! poor loki, after all that has passed now he discovers that he must also face jotun puberty and lose his teeth for it! who knows how he will deal with his first heat and who will help him xd! I would love to embrace loki and give him hope that in the end he will not be alone and will not only survive, but will be happy! I can not wait to read the next chapters
Phoenix86710 chapter 4 . 3/10/2018
Oh I love your story so much. It's literally everything I ever wished for in a Loki-Fanfiction 3
Please update soon!
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