Reviews for Betsu No Sekai
KuroNeko chapter 6 . 7/23
I love your story. But why is Sasuke such a pain in the ass? And well i was wondering what if Sakura found the way to go back to her world, she would most definitely go back right? I mean her real friends (not that the other world friends are not), her family are all there in her world right? And well she grew up there and what about Naruto ?Sasuke ?(though he only thinks about extending her clan) she can't possibly leave them right?
Well i am interested in how you are going to end the story because Sakura choosing the alternate world is slim and well Sakura will eventually end up with Itachi regards right?
Waiting for you to update
No One chapter 6 . 6/6
Thanks! Hope you might find strength in the future to continue this fic though, lol
Guest chapter 5 . 4/2
Hej this was pretty interresting. I'd love to see what happens next. Like will Naruto find some crazy way to break through universes and come save her? What happened to this world's Sakura? Also why does she keep losing spars? I really hope she's just holding back.
How long before she loses her temper with the Uchiha and ends up spilling the beans about her world? Also why is this Sasuke so closed off?
gomoim chapter 5 . 11/7/2019
next chapter please...
Guest chapter 5 . 10/31/2019
Please continue this story.
From a bereaved mother whose mental health depends on good stories.
krazypixie1324 chapter 5 . 7/30/2019
please update! chapter 5 . 3/25/2019
Argh so curious what would happen next. All your fictions are just amazing. You have great sense of humor . Sakura's interaction with Ibiki is hilarious.
JorjaCloud chapter 5 . 1/11/2019
Please Update! In love with this story! :)
Hakkuchi chapter 5 . 11/6/2018
Interesting story. Are her friends from the original universe going to somehow make their way to the alternate universe to retrieve her? Would be interesting to see all their reactions. But would also probably expose some classified info. Thanks for the story! Looking forward to reading more :)
Yasumin J chapter 4 . 10/24/2018
It insane that people think Sakura is not fast. She is in fact fast, did you see her fight with Shin Uchiha who had mangekyo Sharingan evrywhere ! And she managed to keep up ! And her fight against Toneri Puppet, she was goddamn fast. Well i love your story ! Go to read her fight with Shisui!
Elisa.CFPS chapter 5 . 8/6/2018
Contiiii plzzzz
Cristy Martinex chapter 5 . 7/19/2018
Really liking the progress of this fic. Hope you update soon. (I wonder when we'll be seeing more Itadaku moments and what will Sakura's reaction be to meeting the family) Can't wait for the update, and I enjoy you're writing so keep up the great work!
kilau chapter 5 . 6/5/2018
Really like the story so far, hope to see an update some time!
xRhina-Chanx chapter 1 . 6/2/2018
Love it! Please update soooon!
Pixiecropse chapter 5 . 5/9/2018
lol run sakura run for your life if there was ever a bad decision it would be to have a lunch or dinner with the uchiha family it would be better if you where fighting the kyuubi
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