Reviews for Finding Him Quite the Reverse
Levenez chapter 3 . 5/1
C Bvc été clever and fun story! Well done!
ProfessorPedant chapter 3 . 1/14
Fun story. I like how you twist one character and se how that affects the others.

You make much of Lizzy's lack of true discernment. It would be interesting to see a story in which she was a very accurate judge of characters. Such that Darcy really was a cad and Wickham was put upon by his evil foster brother, denied his legacy, and cruelly separated from his true love, Georgieana.

I am not sure who Elizabeth would end up with, though I have always thought Col. Fitzwilliam a good match for her if they could find money from somewhere. This Darcy would be a good fit for either Miss Bingley or a sickly Anne.

Perhaps I will take a crack at that tale.
Mari Wollsch chapter 3 . 12/2/2019
lovely xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Guest chapter 3 . 11/28/2019
Thank you for this story! :-) I loved how you characterised Collins, though I must say I didn't much like him. He was clever, but very rude - much like Mr Bennet! Fancy calling out his young cousin (Elizabeth) in front of a young man he didn't know (Darcy) in a public setting! And Charlotte - her so called friend - joining in! What he said wasn't wrong, but shaming someone like that in front of someone he knew she disliked?! That's bad form. And then he continued to criticise her to Darcy! Hell, Collins should praise her to the skies for not punching him after his horrible behaviour (lying about his own character, publicly shaming her...) BUT my anger at his actions didn't at all detract from the story! I so enjoyed it and thank you for sharing - after all, you don't have to *like* a character to enjoy them immensely! Plus, his bad points just made his family resemblance to the Bennet family more convincing ;-)
ERF2018 chapter 1 . 9/16/2019
A much clever and sensible Mr Collins... I’m falling in love with him, and better: I can cook .
ERF2018 chapter 2 . 9/16/2019
Real love x Cooking. Maybe a difficult decision for some people but sure not so for Mr Collins rsrs. I believe that he will select the better one for him and I totally agree with him, maybe the better scenario will be: the partner and the child stubborn.
ERF2018 chapter 3 . 9/16/2019
Really good plot. Thank so much for share your work. In general it’s difficult to like Mr Collins, a shame because in the original history he is not exactly bad but someone that inspire shame and pity.
But here he is a real wit and it’s impossible do not love him.
The Elizabeth’s set down is classify as my top 5 best part off all P&P fanficI just love. Sure I like Elizabeth but most of time I could stand her pride and silly, especially during the dance and in the proposal.
Congratulations and thank you again.
Sheila L. M chapter 3 . 7/5/2019
A clever alternative (variation) to canon. You are right that Collins always is given a rather dismal portrayal in most versions. I like what you did here.
Sheila L. M chapter 2 . 7/5/2019
I can't imagine you will have him wanting Elizabeth at this point.
Sheila L. M chapter 1 . 7/5/2019
This Collins is much more agreeable. However is Elizabeth still holding out to marry only for the deepest of love? And Collins wants someone who can cook. Thanks for this chapter.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/10/2019
I really enjoyed your interpretation of canon events and your reinvention of Mr Collins as sharp witted. i've often thought that Elizabeth is awfully full of herself as well as naive and immature so Mr C's set downs were well merited. It's well seen that love is blind in Mr D's case tho Elizabeth can only grow out of her failings. Thanks for sharing this lovely story.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/14/2019
I really enjoyed this story. You put a great spin on a ridiculous character by making him a likeable catalyst. Very good read!
Edward'sDJ chapter 3 . 12/8/2018
Very enjoyable and even Mrs B and the younger girls benefited.
Edward'sDJ chapter 2 . 12/8/2018
Mr C is doing a good job or ironing out problems; perhaps he could moderate Mrs B and the younger girls next?
Edward'sDJ chapter 1 . 12/8/2018
Mr C is far more sensible than Lizzy
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