Reviews for Vilipend
DetectiveBitch chapter 1 . 7/10/2019
This was so sweet and amazing T~T thank u for sharing!
kitsune29 chapter 1 . 7/5/2018
aww so cute
LaughingWombat chapter 1 . 4/25/2018
This is a real gem. I was startled by the language concept at first but it blended in very nicely. I loved how you ended it too. The piece was just well written. Thank you.
Chokyulin chapter 1 . 2/2/2018
I truly enjoy this story so much! There's not so much fanfics around addressing the depth of Kakashi - Minato relationship, but yet you've portrayed it so beautifully. Write more please especially Kakashi-centric stories, I'll make sure to read it :)
MC chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
This was amazing! Well written, no glaring punctuation or grammar errors, and a lovely mixture of hurt and comfort... All surrounding my favorite Naruto character, quite enjoyable.
Birnan Midniht chapter 1 . 12/29/2017
I LOVE THIS. The idea of Language is fan-freaking-brilliant! I I've to go melt into a puddle nowthank you so much for writing and sharing 'Vilipend'!
Yuri Namikaze1 chapter 1 . 12/8/2017
That made me feel all warm inside, lovely story!
Rina chapter 1 . 11/17/2017
I really like the idea of "Language" that you wrote about and the thought behind which characters get what. And of course a person like Kakashi would hate that he needs physical touch to survive. Well written with angst but happy family ending!
Sannsara chapter 1 . 11/13/2017
I just could not go to bed without my review (and let me tell you is REALLY late over here!). This is the most beautiful piece of fanfiction I've read in a while, you had me near tears when Kakashi totured himself thinking oh, just how could he be family to Minato? The poor thing! It's not fair how secluded he was living and oh, my gosh, I wish they had lived together in canon!

At the beginning, when you tossed the thing about languages I was like: "come again?", but then it gets understandable, and even then, I was so focused on the feelings and since you conveyed really well how important Kakashi's language was (and how much he was hurting himself by being stubborn!), I felt like I got what was really needed (because you invented it, didn't you? Or is that something I should know of? Not, right?).

I loved your portrayal of Minato too (I madly love the guy!), he was so comprehensive and patient with Kakashi until he noticed he needed to be more upfront! I liked everything about how he reacted to Kakashi's situation, when he felt so dejected, so remorseful and tried to do his best to correct it. Exactly how I think he would have reacted. Bless you.

An then Kakashi, all his doubts, his pain, and then his marvel at living with Minato and Kushina, how fast he's already adapting. BE-U-TI-FUL. And of course, your Kushina was lovely. And Rin and Obito too.

So, yeah... I LOVED IT. Your writting, the plot, the fights (Minato being badass), Obito and Rin were super adorable, Kakashi was super adorable... EVERYTHING WAS SUPER ADORABLE!

Thank you for this.