Reviews for Coming into my Own
twi nana chapter 26 . 4/26/2019
Hello there, hope there is a sequel for this one, with a little mm slash, or a poly with both E and J, and you pick, lololol...hope all is well, and thanks for sharing this. Twinanan
alice asgurs chapter 3 . 2/4/2019
The line “But i was. So.” was really good.
irelandk chapter 26 . 9/24/2018
vivafidel chapter 26 . 7/3/2018
omg I loved it, absolutely fucking amazing! had me smiling and teary eyed at the end, it was so fricking good!

One of the best and most refreshing things was the short drama. You could've easily dragged the whole James thing on for so many more chapters (which most authors do, unfortunately) but I'm really glad you didn't. Perfect grammar and spelling as well, I didn't have to re-read a sentence to understand it even once.

10/10, one of the best stories I have ever read. I just can't get over how good it is! I just couldn't stop reading, it's now past 6 am and I'm still too excited to sleep. omg
Kayozm chapter 16 . 4/25/2018
Hmm, why is jasper messing with her emotions so much? Assuming that he is. I mean, a little extra confidence here and there I get, but... is she going to be upset when she realises she probably would t have acted the way she did with Alice if he hadn’t boosted her? Or will she be okay with it, or even grateful?
Kayozm chapter 12 . 4/25/2018
Very nice first kiss!
Kayozm chapter 7 . 4/25/2018
Hmm, I thought maybe her other moments of surprising confidence were Jaspers influence, but this time I’m thinkin’ she was just mad! Fair enough too.
Kayozm chapter 2 . 4/25/2018
You know, I started reading this one knowing it's Bella/Alice, which is a pairing I like and haven't found that many great fics with - but now you've made me want more Jasper! :)
momezi32 chapter 1 . 4/21/2018
so far it's a good story but does bella jave any super power later in the story pr when she's tirned inyo a vampire
Jadiona chapter 26 . 12/18/2017
Intriguing story. I liked it
Night3603 chapter 26 . 12/18/2017
So, basically a review for the entire series considering each chapter was really really short. In short terms, this was good. Had me keep "turning the page" as it were. Seemed rushed in some places and some things didn't seem to matter as much like the whole deal with Jessica. Shes clearly different in this than the books but you made it seem like she was having a turn around as a person but then its never brought back up again. the way it was written made her feel like she was going to be someone important but she wasn't its a little disappointing. Not enough to make me hate the story or you as the writer but just missed opportunity. Like she couldve been Edwards mate or something I don't know. Anyway, then theres the whole Bella going to the res for the martial arts things. You made it a fact of her backstory and she only ever used it twice. Once with Mike (well twice I guess) then with James near the end. So I couldn't really believe too much that she was in it. Again, not something to put this story in the negative but something that could've been elaborated on.

Having the chapters so short CAN be an issue at times. I think a good half of this entire story could've been a chapter or two. Issues and other things could be expounded on and given more light. Like why were the Cullens so nice to Bella at the start? (I mean especially Rosalie) Bella's martial arts class could have seen some light, her bonding with the rez guys over it. It was clear you were trying to have as little drama and enemies as possible, being that the Volturi were told to be good guys just looking out for the Vampire world and not power hungry ass holes. Problem with that though is we didn't KNOW enough of how this version of them were to decide if they were power hungry assholes or not.

All in all I did like this story, could've been a bit longer (I mean where was Victoria? She's awesome!) but I have no Major problems with this and I apologize if I come across as rude in this review. I don't mean to be I'm just brutally honest sometimes. You have talent here because you writing itself is really good; grammar, punctuation and sentence structure are well done. So great job on the story and I do wanna see more from you. :)
Guest chapter 26 . 12/15/2017
so cute! i like how you characterized alice.
Night3603 chapter 1 . 12/15/2017
She Bella is a cute Bella. I don't know I find Shy characters really endearing. Sometimes off putting in that they don't seem to do much but when they do its very cute how they stutter, or babble if they're nervous. Confidence and assertiveness is of course always good though. This should be interesting.
natsumi456 chapter 26 . 12/13/2017
I would love a sequel of either Edward or Jasper finding their own mate (I don’t think they’re mated to each other in this one, so I believe they are both single). And then we can get a little bit of Bella and Alice moments in them :)
Matthias L. Stormcrow chapter 26 . 12/12/2017
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