Reviews for Black Beauty
Kayla chapter 50 . 7/15
Oh my god When Maddie finally gets to go back home I see her pulling the "I don't belong here anymore" line on tommy
Guest chapter 49 . 7/14
I don't get the whole Maddie/Alfie thing? In the reviews people are shipping them and I thought Maddie doesn't see him in that way. You can tell he likes her. But I think that some fans feel like Alfie would be really kind to her and can forget he can be a dick too. People seem to write him as soft but he's just as worst as Tom. He seems to be alternative when it doesn't work out with Tom. I prefer it when there's a orginal love interest when that happens. Like Daniel :( Maddie pushing Tom away is so sad because he'll probably listen to her. He just needs to put in some effort. I really hope you don't go for Alfie otherwise what was the point of this being a Tommy oc fic and not having them together at the end. If you go for Alfie maybe you should add him to the tags. If you're having trouble you could make a poll for fans to pick Tommy or Alfie. But Alfie will probably win :(
JoMarieY25 chapter 50 . 7/16
hi I was so happy you wrote another chapter! I been reading your story for awhile:)
alreadyafan chapter 50 . 7/11
Ah team Maddie and Alfie all the way!
Wildflowers chapter 50 . 7/9
But does Tommy love Lizzie hmmm...
Lucy x chapter 50 . 7/6
"She's in love with you. It would be a real shame if your stubborness ruined that." You could kinda say that statement goes for Maddie as well in the terms of Alfie. But I don't want them together it seems to be a stereotypical thing in peaky fics that the oc is left or treated badly by Tommy so they end up with Alfie and it just gets a little boring. Poor Maddie you can see she wants Tommy to be happy and thinks he's in love with Lizzy (is he?) So she seems to be pushing him away when we all know she still has some feelings there. But is she doing it to spare herself later? Like what happened with Grace Tommy dumping her for her. So she could be thinking if she goes back with Tommy he'll do that with Lizzie. I feel so sorry if that's what she's doing. If I was her I'd just go and leave for good. She needs to stop coming back all the time and hurting herself. Either stay for good with Tommy or just leave for good because going back and forth is not helping. Was thinking also if Tommy wants her like it looks like he should actually do something about it instead of settling for Lizzie. He never put any effort in with her like 3 years ago it's about time he does.

P.S- I miss Maddie's husband he was such a cutie?
kamijin chapter 50 . 7/3
the wait was so worth. you got me again with this ANGST! great job!
Lightningscloud chapter 50 . 7/1
With Maddie I'm getting 'the one that got away' vibes. You should give her a new love interest would love that because I'm not seeing anything happening between her and Tommy again.

Been wondering also is Maddie infertile? I thought she would have at least got pregnant at one point I mean she did used to be a whore. Sounds so bad but I wanna see her go back to that lifestyle or at least acknowledge it.
Guest chapter 50 . 6/21
Love this! Would also love to read more Lavender! Please update again soon
Guest chapter 50 . 6/13
Are Tommy and Maddie endgame because I'm having doubts
Sara x chapter 50 . 6/12
In this chapter all I kept thinking about is that line Alfie said to Maddie where he basically said Tommy will whore her out to the italians. Tom is being nice to her now and to me it's him buttering her up so she'll just whore herself out again. Seemd like she definitely would do that she'd do anything for him. It's suspicious to me how he goes from being awful to her and now acting like they're best friends or family.


Poor mads gonna get her heart broken. Again...
Bennie chapter 50 . 6/12
Not relevant to this chapter but Maddie really needs to have a baby. I don't care who the dad is but she really needs one. She's had such a bad life and in this story nothing ever goes good for her. She was so cute with Charlie a while back and she'd make a great mother.

ALSO, Maddie just telling Tommy to get with Lizzie? Kind of cute of her to do that but does she not realize that tommy does not love Lizzie back. Maybe she really is done with Tommy OR she's scared of tryint again. But I think they have both changed a lot after loding their spouses and they don't have that hate relationship thing going on. So maybe they could try again hopefully. Or Maddie could have someone new for a while (not Alfie) another oc like her husband who was cute, wish he was still alive she's only ever been happy with him. Well apart from when she was with Tommy before the war. Praying you don't put Tommy and Lizzie together I've never liked them together as it's one sided Lizzie deserves better than that. That's saying a lot from me because I just don't like Lizzie. Always seen her as a love sick puppy who uses sex to get Tommy because she knows he'll always go back to her when he has no one.

Noticed that Tommy now doesn't make any jabs at Maddie about her being/was a whore. Noticed also that Tommy used to be awful to her about it but ehen someone else called her a whore or mentioned it he would go mad. Makes you think that he was like that because he hated her doing it but didn't have the balls to tell her or help her out of it . Which is interesting but it would be good to see the whore thing back up. Those two actually talking about it like adults and not just insulting each other. As well as something from her whore history coming back to cause problems. Oh and I was going to ask even though it's a long way off but are you going to be writing in that Maddie slept with Mosley in the past like with Lizzie? I'd love to see her go up against him.
Guest2 chapter 50 . 6/11
I'm so glad you updated. And maybe you're right he has grown. I just hoped to God in this twist Tommy doesn't marry lizzie, nothing against her, but that just came out of left field, and she seems kind of pathetic as a person. I get it, its love but should love involve degrading yourself and waiting for a man who just uses you and never gonna feel that way about you? I mean Greta, (even) Madeline, Grace, May, Jessie, hell even the Russian bitch? Take a hint lizzie. Really didn't like that twist. I mean he only married her cause the writers had her character get pregnant there was 0 chemistry there.
Aranel Celebrenlam chapter 50 . 6/12
I legit squealed in delight when I saw you had updated again and my brother looked over at me like I had lost my mind... Anyway, loved the chapter. I couldn't help but feel proud of Maddie for standing her ground with Tommy and staying out of things, at least as much as she can given the circumstances, and also for essentially telling Tommy that they are completely done but also still wishing him happiness.

I'm so beyond excited to see what kind of interactions you have planned for Luca and Maddie and how Alfie is going to react to her being dragged back into the line of fire because of Tommy yet again. Maybe this will all lead to a Maddie/Alfie pairing :) ? Regardless, I will continue to say this is an amazing story that you have created and I look foreword to seeing how things are going to unfold. Thank you for sharing your story with us, and good luck :)
kmhappybunny240 chapter 50 . 6/11
I'm so stuck between Tommy letting go of Maddie and them finally getting back together
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