Reviews for we can still be, who we said we were
sycce chapter 19 . 7/31
Couldn't put my phone down! Such a heart warming story of healing. It reminds me of my own journey. Thank you so much for sharing this!
kalondev chapter 12 . 7/9
Currently crying unnaturally hard because of Harry’s speech. It was perfect in so many ways. I think a lot of authors make him more eloquent than he is, and your talent in showcasing who he is and what is important to him is phenomenal. Thank you and so happy I get to keep reading!
hufflepuffiesten chapter 18 . 5/27
Chapter 18 is one of my favourite chapters. Your Harry and Ginny are so badass.
EffBO94 chapter 19 . 5/24
ngl i'm kinda curious on what Ravenclaw Harper's "little theory" is, is she trying to replicate Hary's invisibility cloak somehow? it would be cool if this comes up sometime in the future, first Luna's parchment now this, inventions galore lol
quidditch match was great
"harry stares down at his toes and wonders how this is his life" i'm dying
great ending chapter, now to read the next one, loving this series :)
EffBO94 chapter 18 . 5/24
"Is there anyone you're actually afraid of? You're almost as bad as Harry!" yet another reason why they make a great couple haha i'm looking forward to their friends finding out they've been dating all this time right under their noses they're all gonna kick themselves for not noticing lol

this is my favourite chapter, felt like non-stop action and drama - the exam, the fight, the aftermath and feelings, then the Quidditch bet,
Harry's wager if Ginny's team loses was genius i would never have thought of that on the spot lool
"polish his broom" lmao, whoever said that is either brave stupid or both
lol at Reiko and Demelza at the end
EffBO94 chapter 17 . 5/23
independent history study sessions, that is a great idea, i've always thought a major problem Hogwarts has is that Binns is the worst HP teacher ever, my headcanon is that he's helped put generations of Hogwarts kids off learning about their wizard history by associating history to his boring ghost ass lol, why the hell did Umbridge not kick him out as well in 5th year lol
EffBO94 chapter 16 . 5/23
"our entire future depends on these exams, we can't afford to mess them up!"
so Hannah's panic attack is sort of Hermione's fault lol, i'm thinking that comment helped tip her over the edge

Ginny kicking Tobias' metal leg again lol, and i'm also thinking that his real intention of ribbing Harry and Ginny was in order to get everyone to focus on someone else other than Hannah... well whether i'm right or not i still ship them haha
EffBO94 chapter 15 . 5/23
pretty lighthearted and funny chapter, Ginny line about the only bed she wants to see Corner in is the hospital bed got me good
"Technically it's defense. Of a sort"
yeah defense against babymaking lmao
EffBO94 chapter 9 . 5/22
blissful Harry/Ginny chapter so blissful it feels like the calm before the storm lol

The usually cool and collected Ginny looking all wide-eyed and captivated by Muggle London is unexpected, funny and kind of adorable all at the same lol, reminds me of what Harry, Hermoine and other Muggle-raised wizards must feel being told magic is real and seeing Diagon Alley for the first time

and damn i never really considered Harry's Dursley childhood could affect his psyche in that way to that extent but it makes sense, he turned out so well we tend to gloss over the fact that Harry Potter was actually a seriously deprived kid...if Ginny ever finds out just how deprived (*cough* CUPBOARD *cough*) then oh man will she lose it lol
EffBO94 chapter 8 . 5/22
oh wow they actually did it! like I said in my chapter 7 review I thought this would happen sooner or later,but I didn't actually think they'd kiss the very next chapter lol I seriously thought you'd have them dance around each other for another 3 or 4 chapters or something...but FINALLY, about time, i srsly hope they don't split up again lol

and keeping quiet about this for now makes sense to me too, the Voldermort War and its effects pretty much cockblocked their relationship to the extent of them having 2/3 kisses and that was it lol; not to mention people making the biggest deal of a Gryffindor dating a Slytherin, one of them being the Harry Potter the Chosen One...seems Ginny's not alone when it comes to romance; Harry doesn't take the easy path either hahaha
EffBO94 chapter 7 . 5/22
Ginny hurting herself by kicking Tobias' prosthetic leg LMAO these two crack me up
glad that Harry's warming up to Kingsley
feels bad for Flora and Hestia being related to pricks like the Carrows
this chapter gives me hope that Harry and Ginny will finally stop dancing around each other and will just admit they like each other already lol
AragornII chapter 3 . 4/29
Have been meaning to re-mention something that crops up fairly often: most chapters tend to have bit of dialog that is so brilliant...that it makes me pause and re-read it because it is so elegant, so perfect.

Sometimes more than once a chapter...and this is probably an annoying generalization, given that I provide no examples, but I tend to not be able to copy text here. That inhibits more specifics. But please know this is one of your greatest gifts as a writer...
nayin1704 chapter 1 . 4/26
PotterFanatic17 chapter 19 . 3/22
What a beautiful ending to this part of their story! They have come such a long way, and the tone has changed with them. I love seeing the evolution of the writing. You have done such a good job!
PotterFanatic17 chapter 18 . 3/22
You described the battle scene so amazingly. It was like watching a movie. Spectacular.
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