Reviews for Balefire
Guest chapter 20 . 7/28
You are an amazing storyteller, you could easily change this story just a little to take out of the Spyroverse and publish this.
Maze-Eye chapter 20 . 2/21
Wow. That was a very emotional chapter and it’s great to see Meredy moving into new territory for her character and abilities. Charla is in such a state right now, I just wanna hug her. Fantastic dialogue by the way. I’ve missed this.

And so it begins. The moons are on the move. :)

I’m wondering if the family voice, “It is their calling” really is the chronicler. You said it is familiar to Charla, but I’m wracking my brain for when she might have heard him before, unless it’s someone else speaking.
NomexGlove chapter 27 . 2/5
It is hard to believe that it has been that long already. It really was fun to read your stories as you progressed as well. A long exciting adventure that you've led us all on, and I loved every minute of it. Here's to hoping you another prosperous decade of writing, no matter where your interests may take you!

For this chapter, as always the real star is Charla. You do such a phenomenal job making her relatable, and when we can't relate (still waiting on my wings to grow), you help describe her desires and her hopes in such a way that you can truly feel what she does.
Larrimeme chapter 27 . 1/5
Gunbait is so incredibly valid.
Ho1ey chapter 1 . 12/29/2019
Certainly refreshing to see some mutualism (or as close as we can get here) between creatures with common enemies I suppose. The final parts of the chapter really captures well the sense of freedom and truly glorifies the pirate lifestyle. Really looking forward to some arena battles involving Charla if she ever does get involved in that. It’s great to see that Lance and Nuala have perfectly picked up where they left off last time! But not really. It’ll really be a miracle if the book mends the two’s relationship before it ends. But yeah, more of a lighthearted chapter, which is what I like to see. All the best for finishing this book next year, and happy new year!

Just a side note that I literally just finished rereading, well more listening, to tears or an oracle, for, I guess, nostalgia seeing as it’s been about a year since I last read it (idk my nostalgia works weird) and I’ve noticed Alta shares a lot of common traits between another character... one who also has mind control abilities, who can also turn invisible, and is also seemingly the last of their kind... eh someone probably pointed this out already a long time ago but I just find the correlations very peculiar ._.

Anyways see ya next decade as well u
mbh040 chapter 27 . 12/29/2019
Again a great chapter. The reunion between Nuala and the others went about as I expected at bit considering the relationships they have with Nuala. Really enjoyed the bit of reminiscing Charla had and the conviction in her thoughts at the end.
Eagerly waiting for more!
Ho1ey chapter 26 . 12/27/2019
Aha really made it easy to read with the scavengers’ accent and all xD. The battle was epically written, I really could feel the cannons drilling into the cliff, the sheer chaos of the moment. Shame they didn’t get all the apes, almost certain mr Darur’s gonna make a comeback in a later chapter, and speaking of comebacks MAN it was inevitable, but I didn’t expect it here! And yes I may have, ok I did miss u Nuala. Cause I just needed some relief! Gees it’s been just constant suspense the past few chapters, which I mean fair enough, can’t say I’ve ever been locked in a carriage unable to move but something bout it just doesn’t seem like fun. Shame Lance’s plan didn’t quite come together, but what more could be expected from something put together in a minute or so. And I’d just like to remark that he was essentially pepper sprayed (omg so big brain xd) which actually seemed really effective and I’m surprised a lot more species use them in combat. It’s probably a pirate thing. Late review but finally got to reading this tonight, but it only means the next chapter will come sooner B)
NomexGlove chapter 26 . 12/17/2019
When you're outgunned, it pays to hit first as hard as you can.
Guest chapter 26 . 12/15/2019
Guest chapter 5 . 12/14/2019
I’m getting very suspicious of Nuala. I’m starting to think that she can do more with her illusions than she’s letting on...
GuestWhat chapter 26 . 12/8/2019
The Skavengers basically went from anti-heroes to villains in the bat of an eye, lol.
The way you presented them at the beginning, with their piratesque speech and manners, while they're trying to kidnap the gang, is hilarious, just like their embarassment after Charla's question about their actions.
The brief battle between them and the apes had me on the edge of my seat though, because I was so afraid about the safety of our three heroes. What a pity, that from now on, they're probably going to fight to the death into an arena for the Skavengers' blood-thurst and pleasure, maybe against letal creatures and... Spyro or Cynder, dare I say? That would a sight to see!
In any case, props to you for not starkly depicting your version of TLOS world in black and white.

I'm not sure that Commander Darur is actually dead, now. The Skavengers certainly have nuked the Apes' settlement, but those flying Dreadwings, as Lance assumed, might be an indication of a possible re-organisation.

Speaking of Lance... Aw, shoot, that attack-and-escape plan he came up with could've been good if it wasn't for that goddamn powder. Also, good to see that Charla and him are starting to interact civically back again...
If only Charla would just finally give in and admit she was wrong about him; you can clearly see Nuala's workings are worringly getting to her head. Seriously, what does Lance still have to do in order to prove that he really means it when he says he would never abandon her, after all he's done for her and the whole group? About that, I honestly can't believe there are some reviewers down here that implied he was slowing Charla down or satisfying his egoistic needs by restraining her on purpose (!). C'mon, guys, the fact Charla is the protagonist doesn't mean she always has to be in the right, get a grip!

Oh, no...
Here she is. She's back.
I mean, I was curious to learn about her ultimate fate and to see her eventually come back at a later time, but she couldn't have chosen a worse moment to do it.
Not when Lance was seemingly starting to break through Charla's twisted thoughts about her trust in him.
I want her to be happy, I really do, but geeze, I'm afraid their relationship is about to take another awful blow because of this...

I'm tuning back in when the next chapter drops in order how it will play out. See ya!
mbh040 chapter 26 . 12/8/2019
Really enjoyed the escape scene in this chapter.
Really eager to see them meeting Cynder, really want to see what their reaction is going to be like.
And Nuala is back, wonder where she has been, guessing she has being following them from the start and kept hidden or something.
Eagerly waiting for more! :D
Maze-Eye chapter 19 . 11/17/2019
Good to get back into this story. What I’ve noticed from these long gaps is that you don’t loose the vibe of the story and characters as you proceed through the progression.

Bye bye, Pena and the pangolins. I really enjoyed these creatures and their style. Bye bye Whisperglade. Every Forrest is going to feel like a garden from this point on.

I loved the blue flames that erupt out of no where, I think that’ll come in handy. Although I’m worried about it not wing as intense. I can really see that being a problem. The tension is building, I love it.

I loved the end of this chapter. The atmosphere for it was very engaging, and we’re really getting into the dark forbidding event of the eclipse now. I can’t wait. I’m still really worried what’ll happen though, especially for Charla. The fact she feels compelled to go to the Mountain, is making me feel nervous about that tree carving.

Great chapter, Riv.
NomexGlove chapter 25 . 11/12/2019
The difficulty Charla is in is enormous it seems. She has so much invested in what Nuala has told her, yet now she is confronted by two others who have sworn their selves to her as friends and are telling her the same contrary thing. That what she had undertaken was not nearly as benign as she was led to believe. Who would have thought that a vengeance minded creature that believes herself the last of her species is not necessarily the best role model to follow?

Mentioning Cynder was interesting. Now we have a firm grip of where we are with respect to the more canonical characters. Are we in for a glimpse of them in passing perhaps?
Ho1ey chapter 25 . 11/11/2019
Only you could make 2 full chapters of the main cast trapped in a cage captivating. And yea I guess this chapter has leaning a bit more towards lance and meredy, the friendly fire (literally) was definitely unnecessary though I still stand by my previous point about lance. The immense power of dragons are in fact, I suppose, the anti-driving factor of plots seeing as their magic can solve a barrage of problems, which was noticeably ignored in ToaO and Residual Darkness, but the assortment of this group has really insured they run into problems. That’s something authors forget when writing with dragons, especially elemental ones. Yee good luck with your NaNoWriMo!
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