Reviews for Ranger Sees The Light
Humming Birrd chapter 21 . 9/17
I really, really enjoyed reading this one. Thanks so much for sharing it.
Vulcan Rider chapter 21 . 8/7
Very interesting. I originally loved the Connie ending, but I always felt so bad for Stephanie. She'd been pushed and pulled and berated for so many years, I wasn't surprised to read that she followed her other's "tippling" and fell all the way into alcoholism. It was beautiful how Ranger loved her so much that he wanted her to get clean and sober, and kept trying with her family until she was ready.
Very nice R/S ending.
Maggie M.
Caren47 chapter 21 . 8/4
I loved this story! Every person that I’ve known with some sort of problem or addiction has recovered with the help of someone who loved them unconditionally. Apparently Joe and her parents were not the ones she needed. Ranger to the rescue as usual.
Caren47 chapter 11 . 8/4
So unlike Steph. I feel bad for both Steph and Ranger.
Caren47 chapter 10 . 8/4
Sounds to me like Stephanie may have some regrets. I hope Ranger is patient with her.
Caren47 chapter 5 . 8/4
Great story so far. I’m worried about Steph and Ranger’s relationship. I just can’t imagine them not together.
Caren47 chapter 2 . 8/4
Such emotional chapters!
CTBabe1202 chapter 21 . 8/2
I very much enjoyed this read- something refreshing and new. The end was a bit of a disappointment for me, even though I’m typically Babe all the way I felt this story was nicely set up for a different ending.

Guest chapter 11 . 7/31
Well, this is not Stephanie Plum. This is some skanky cow. Is Joyce around? This Stephanie deserves Joe. Send her back.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/31
Layout starting with ch 6 is weird. Connie in Rangers' apartment making lasagna. Right. Ok. So far, it's written well, aside from all the computer stuff mucking up the page.
Guest chapter 21 . 7/30
I liked the original ending because the story, chapter by chapter won me over. Now, I can't make the leap from the Ranger Connie journey to the Ranger Steph HEA in the epilogue. What is still true, I like Steph getting the help she badly needed and that Joe/Ranger were there for her.
Guest chapter 21 . 7/30
I am very, very happy for Connie.
Guest chapter 19 . 7/30
There are no words for Steph! And Mooch again. Disgusting!
Ranger just lost a very good friend in Connie! Dummy!
Guest chapter 18 . 7/30
Omg she has some nerve! Why is he bothering?
He cannot still love this spoiled bitch!
Even just making Connie move her stuff because of Steph is just not right.
I have to agree with Tank.
Guest chapter 17 . 7/30
I don't think she deserves anything. She brought that life on herself!
She didn't know who she wanted or if she did she didn't have the nerve to speak or ask!
She couldn't have what she wanted and now she is a hot mess!
She doesn't deserve Ranger!
Worse yet. Strangers and Mooch Morelli!
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