Reviews for To Grow Into Love
Guest chapter 32 . 7/22
Great story! I love lothiriel’s character and women’s imperfections.
Liz chapter 4 . 7/4
I hardly ever leave reviews anymore, but just wanted to say that I'm actually really enjoying your version of Eomer. Yes, he's not as pleasant to read about, but I think it's a really accurate description of how someone in his position would feel. It's nice to see him just really sucking at his job for once, especially knowing that it'll all get better soon. I'm excited to continue reading!
Melissa Black13 chapter 32 . 5/10
Wow, I’m so glad I found this story! What a great read! Amazing job! :)
BlueRevolution chapter 32 . 4/11
What a well written story this is! Never boring, well paced. Thank you for writting it :)
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 32 . 3/8
Really great story! I love the way you depicted their struggles throughout it all! Though I’m still mad that you let Gamling die!
MWolfe13 chapter 26 . 10/18/2019
I am so so very glad she did not give in this chapter. And her decision to leave! I saw that coming, but was very happy not to be wrong.
MWolfe13 chapter 24 . 10/18/2019
Ahhh God, this breaks my heart.
MWolfe13 chapter 15 . 10/18/2019
Walda cracks me up
MWolfe13 chapter 13 . 10/18/2019
I cannot with this chapter. I loved Gamling
rossui chapter 25 . 8/19/2019
I just love the ins and outs of this story. Just when things are looking good... But it isn't contrived like some stories are. I have read this several times and always enjoy it. You are a very good writer.
tgo62 chapter 32 . 8/5/2019
Thank you very much for sharing this story! Enjoyed reading it. I like "your" Lothiriel, especially for not being perfect
guest chapter 32 . 7/6/2019
Such a fascinating story! I liked that Lothiriel met first of all (from Rohan) Gamling and they became friends, they truly cared for each other and his loss was so sad. It was interesting how she worked in the trading business, unlike any Gondorian lady and became ambassador to Eomer's council. Their encounters were amusing during his grumpy time. I didn't like Aefre and her scheming. Walda and Holdwyn were amazing OCs and it is great they become a couple. Arondir proved a snake among them, doing all kind of evil deeds, not even considering his poor daughter Lamhel ( I am glad Lothiriel helped her, I wonder what has become of her?). The paralysis caused such a terrible aftermath to their relationship. It was very unconsidering from Lothiriel to disappear without a letter or something to her poor family ,but it was understandable that she needed time alone. All ended well, as she and Eomer got back together and I believe in time her relationship, because of her disappearance, with her father and even Amrothos will get better. Thanks for the fascinating story!
Guest chapter 8 . 3/31/2019
Damn, Lothiriel is awesome! Still hate Eomer though. He's such an ass.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/31/2019
Love Lothiriel, hate Eomer!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/31/2019
Wow, he's such a bloody prick!
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