Reviews for The Shadows Of Revenge
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15
Can you do another one with Damian he’s just so cute.
Prisma19 chapter 10 . 6/12
I love this next story about baby Damien and I love how everyone protects one another. The ending was so sweet and I love how Damien is the glue of the family besides it just being Dick. Something I suggest you do is go back to the your story Son of the Bat and look over this one because there are many grammar mistakes but other than that the stories are great. Thanks for more cutenesses!
AnimeCub chapter 10 . 11/26/2017
Omg my heart T_T this is so beautiful. The family is back together again yay.
seira chapter 10 . 11/25/2017
I hope u can make story which damian start go to kindergarden and meet new friend
AnimeCub chapter 8 . 11/13/2017
Oh hell no beat their ass Batman
Also amazing story keep up the good work
dami fan chapter 7 . 11/10/2017
Poor dami..I hope this will end well
Dragon77 chapter 3 . 10/28/2017
I can't wait to read chapter 4, hopefully they get little D back.
seira chapter 2 . 10/23/2017
I love u finally decide to continue this story
anon chapter 1 . 10/20/2017
Werlin Xyrlyn Zerlin
Bruna Ambrosia Fay (Dawn/She Ra)

Gothtopia/ Gotharkanum


Deathstrike Clan high tech/mystic/martial arts and former One Earth Regime Troops 5-U-93-R/Exobytes
Sphinx- Quizmaster (antimatter Earth three Riddler and Catwoman)
Manticore Owlman and Black Cat

Kherubium Technology Halo Corporation

batteries that last forever, cars that didn't need gas (and lasted forever) and computers that would never need to be upgraded or even plugged in, Spartan Guards as household tools

Leo Quintum

nanonauts designed to explore the Yoctasphere, or massive Titan Voyagers designed to explore outer space in the long term

photosynthetic Bizarro drones

Carolyn Llewellyn/Dr. Poison/Gznptlzk

Jack O'Lantern

Witch, broom, cauldron, Gray/white/black cat

Cauldron/fridge any food never empty
Mjolnir, Excalibur, Spear of Destiny, Holy Grail, Havokoid Super Adaptoid Symbiote Angelus Warriors hordes completely under thrall with Kaiju/giant robots, Throne

Thirteen O' Clock Archipelagos fortress instant teleport time and space Technodrome

Helmet Cerebro

Jack O' Lantern MotherBox T-Sphere/Crystal ball

Real Life controller cheat codes- American Dragon Jake Long

Magic Stones Cronvar- Keyboard pattern jewels/Crystal ball screen/World Wide Spiderweb/ Stuffed Mouse- Dave the Barbarian

Mirror-Internet/Ipad- Ever After High

Black Vortex

T Spheres/ Mystech balls
Fairly Oddparents remote control fairy/wand/ Pixie cell phone wand
Control Freak- Reality Warping Super Remote Control

Antigrav Jetboots/astrojitsu-mystic martial arts-energy ball/quadruple bladed lightsaber/fundamental forces of the universe blaster/power bands


Symbiote/Super-Adaptoids Angelus Warriors hordes completely under thrall

Sunstone/Fortress of Solitude(Kole)/Wonderdome/New Themyscira/Thalarion/Mythlands-Cosmopolitan, Multiethnic/Omniethnic/Citizenry of the Empire of the Silver Snake/Gem World/Skartaris/Nth Metal/Mother Box-Element X

Asteroid M(s)-Krakoa- Savageland(s), Danger, (Zero-Techno-organic-Technoarchy, Phalanx, Barbuda, Builders

Lord Havok
Bretonnia King Arthur and the Knights of Justice Stone Warlords- loyal Men of Stone/Iron
flaming, phazr, power chainswords

Cavemen, Knights, pirates, cowboys, soldiers, Insider Amazo armor


Replicae perfect human clones with genetic diversity to breed different genders and races

The Emperor defeating the Void Dragon should theoretically give mankind command of all technology with the possible exception of artificial intelligence of course there is the Dark Mechanicum

Reborn as noble Abhumans including Brighthammer-Warcraft/Shadowrun races

Gue'vesa Bio/technomancer psykers- servents: Beastmen, Jokaero/Ghouloon/Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys/Kong/Grodd/Ultra-Humanite/Super Apes/Super Abominapes, Kroot, Tallerian, Necrontyranids loyal men/creatures of “iron”/flesh OMACS/Weapon Infinities/Super Skrulls

Darklings/Angelus Warriors-Soulphyre-Necroplasm (Spawn)/ Ectoplasm-Fright Knights/Harrow Ghost Warriors from all time and space/Rhya's servant creatures-flaming jack-o-lantern headed men command fire/air/wood/plants/earth, Taal's servant creatures- like Beast-legs and tail of wolf/body of bear/head and horns of buffalo/bison mane and teeth of lion/tusks of boar/gorilla eyebrows/wings gold/metal/energy claws/fangs command water/rain/hail/lightning

Doombot like command metal/gem encrusted gold crystals

Orks become Krork- Maestro/Leader/Doc Green/Green Scar/Sakaarson/Nul “Breaker of Worlds” as well as Hobgoblin/Demogoblin

Eldar become Asurai organic Amazos/ Warhammer Fantasy Elves

Gnomes make Starstone- Gem-encrusted gold with runes glowing plasma like Gromril/Mithril/Adamant/Laihtero-safely wield magic

patches that would allow them to instantly learn is encoded onto molecules on the patches so when they adhere to the skin, knowledge (of language in that case) can be transmitted through the blood to the brain Locations all over Khera displayed creative uses for Kherubim technology. The WildC.A.T.s stayed at a place called Coincidental Mansion which demonstrated Kherubim technology capable of directly altering probability and chance for entertainment purposes. In the entire area in and around the mansion, bizarre and improbable happenings were more likely to take place thanks to a "low probability field generator". While the other WildC.A.T.s stayed at the Mansion, Zealot, as leader of the Coda, stayed somewhere else. The base for the Coda was built in a desert called the Bay of Numbers. In the Bay, the grains of sand continually shaped and reshaped themselves into ever-changing geometric forms. Perfect spheres, cubes and other, seemingly random shapes would form out of the sand, but the order and placement of them never repeated (and never would for all eternity). Though Coincidental Mansion and the Bay of Numbers were just for decoration and entertainment, there are other Kherubim creations that serve more practical purposes. The most noticeble piece of Kherubim technology are the Spartan Guards. The Spartans are fully sentient robots that are built as personal bodyguards as well as a police force. Each Spartan has a "brain" more powerful than any other computer (on Earth or otherwise), is programmed to be able to use any technology it comes across, is equipped with powerful lasers, is skilled in armed and unarmed combat and has superhuman levels of strength, speed and durability. Spartan, one of these androids, is a permanent member of the WildC.A.T.s and also shows up in several other comics. In the Majestic one-shot: Wildstorm Spotlight: Majestic, he gets so advanced that he becomes a god, a powerful example of the limits (or lack thereof) of Kherubim technology. Of all the Kherubim creations though, the Kheran Dream Engine may be the best. It can warp reality to make thoughts and dreams real.

Teleportation, flying cars, plasma weapons

Space TravelThe Kherubim have ships built (or more accurately "grown") for interstellar flight and in some cases, faster than light travel. Most Kherubim ships are able to access and travel The Bleed, allowing them to visit other dimensions. These ships (and the other battle ships) are outfitted with some of Khera's best weaponry and are so massive, they could be considered small cities. Kheran ships have a unique control system that is operated by vocalizations. Kherans sing to their ships to get them to do what they want and the Kheran vocal range is different enough from other species (at least human and Daemonite) that they can't be piloted by non-kherans without extensive modification.

WeaponsThough the Kherubim have awesome technology and a myriad of machines that can do their fighting for them, most choose to fight for themselves and use bladed weapons to do so. Just because the weapons are not as complex as guns and lasers though, doesn't mean they aren't as effecient as other Kherubim tools. Blades made by Kherubim technology (called Kusar Blades) are capable of cutting anything, even beings of Superman/Mr. Majestic level durability. Sentient swords have been created that can deliver energy blasts as they strike (if the sword deems it necessary) as well as perform other tasks in the hands of a skilled swordsman. A sword like this is not common though, and only the highest ranking and most deserving are given weapons like this. Majestic owns another special blade that hasn't been seen before. It is a large sword capable of changing its shape (even changing from a blade to a completely different weapon like a spiked ball and chain) and also releasing energy blasts and electrical charges. There are also special weapons for stealth combat. Quantum-Folded Combat Blades are invisible and can be shrunk to the size of a cell phone and enlarged for combat. Skintight Nanoflage suits make the wearer invisible to all forms of surveillance and High-Dose Damper Capsules are pills that remove the powers of whoever ingests them so their energy signature is also undetectable.

All this is not to say that Kherubim don't have other, more complex weapons. The Kherubim have energy weapons, forcefield technology, genetic bombs and weapons created for large-scale warfare and world take-overs, it's just that they are rarely needed since the Kherubim themselves are war machines. One weapon that Kherubim possess is the Low-Grav Wallcrawler. It most resembles a normal Earth tank (with more cannons) but it can transform into an even bigger machine almost capable of going head to head with a Spartan Guard. These machines appear to be semi-sentient, able to be piloted or left to act on their own. The Kherubim also have bio-chemical weapons, one of which is the Haikyatu Armory. According to Emp it has two stages. The first is a bacteria bomb that destroys the nerve centers of all forms of life while keeping the bodies intact. The second stage reanimates and controls the bodies, creating an army of undead. Of course there are also the lasers and mega-bombs that most advanced races seem to have, but the Kherubim try not to totally destroy their enemies when they fight in case something can be gained from keeping them alive