Reviews for Spiders on Mary Jane
Cut3'n'Psych0 chapter 2 . 6/11/2019
HUN-NI. I friggin love this! The banter, the many MANY ass puns - and the best one was imagining Peter's eyes glazing over as the love of his life mouthed 'anal' to his horny spider ass. Is there a follow up to this? Asking for a frie- ahh who am I kidding. I love butt stuff, and I still can't believe that I came across such a delicious piece in the form of my current obsession. So from the bottom of my heart; Thank you 3
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2018
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 2 . 4/13/2018
Wow, no words cocer that one!
NomadicNine chapter 2 . 4/3/2018
We need a the continuation. It's been a couple of months now.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/16/2017
damn peter and mj are wild lmao but still in the most romantic way possible. i kinda hope peter doesn’t have sex w/felicia next cause idk, i just want it to be a cute and freaky post marriage life story. but i’m sure i’ll like whatever’s next
FlameSparks7 chapter 2 . 11/16/2017
Poor MJ :P

I would say poor Felicia but it looks like the "worst" is yet to come for her.
ukog chapter 2 . 11/1/2017
will mary jane get the symbiote in this story, like she did in the rnw series? if so, will she manage to tame it like flash did, and keep it, permanently?
Rider Paladin chapter 2 . 11/1/2017
Shock, yes. I was so amped for that trailer, especially when I heard Mary Jane was in it and that she'd have a vital role to play in the game itself. Speaking of vital roles to play, "accidental viral video porn star" was probably not one she was ever expecting to play, but it sure looked and sounded a lot like fun, especially for your loving descriptions of how wide and thick and plump her rear end was. And Felicia's reaction at the end was just priceless, as well as the idea that Mary Jane might get her revenge by making Felicia experience having her own rear end erotically skewered by Peter. Given that as of current/near-future comics, Annie in RYV is a teenager, I wonder what would happen if she ever found out about this. I bet there'd be lots of awkward explanations and "I don't wanna know!" going back and forth. All in all, lovely, splendid work here, and I'm looking forward to the fallout and aftermath.
Rider Paladin chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
Still good, still fun, not to mention funny. I was grinning the whole way through, especially at some of the references, like Miraculous Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Ladybug or the Beetleborgs (that was so my jam when I was a kid). Oh, and it seems you and I think along the same wavelength of Felicia being Annie's cool, slightly crazy aunt, which I am hoping will be true in the actual Renew Your Vows comic. Best part was the entire banter between Peter and Mary Jane; now that's a couple that's really comfortable with each other and past the point of shame or embarrassment. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of them together under your pen. Keep it up.
guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
haaa! this was actually very funny. i like the way you write peter and mj. i hope you continue to write either this or something else with them!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
I like it and i hope there will be more chapters to this story because i like Mary Jane in renew your vows and her characterization here so i hope we will get more of her and Felicia in this story.