Reviews for Loving A Gladiator I
Daryl's Lady chapter 12 . 3/22
Please say that there will be more to this story. I love the plot and I can't wait to see if they are reunited ️. Amazing job.
Alex123 chapter 12 . 1/12/2019
Maybe a girl ?
Mia chapter 10 . 10/3/2018
Please plese please write a sequel! This is awesome and you left it at a cliffhanger! Not good! You can't leave it there then not update a sequel! Hopefully you haven't abandoned this and will post a sequel soon! Fingers crossed!
swingrlm chapter 10 . 8/31/2018
I would love to see some one shots about Crixus! I love his character, and there’s really nothing out there that spans between GotA and BaS, and how he rises to be champion, how Lucretia decides she actually like Crixus for more than just her original intentions (maybe how Cassandra gets overprotective of him when she learns how he’s being used), how Crixus starts to notice Naviea, how he starts to befriend Barca, etc :). And of course how Cassandra plays a role in it all.
ohmyenemy chapter 9 . 4/17/2018
Oh, I do love a good Gannicus story. Congratulations on finishing! I'm looking forward to a sequel! :)
Aranel Celebrenlam chapter 9 . 3/28/2018
AHHHH! This story is so great! I absolutely love Cassandra and her relationship with Gannicus. Dear god above this chapter was heartbreaking to read. I can only imagine what it must have been like to write. I can't wait to see where Cassandra and her and Gannicus' child will go in Blood and Sand, Vengeance, and War of the Damned! Please update again soon and thank you for helping to keep the Spartacus fandom alive :)
XxAnimeFreakxX03 chapter 1 . 11/30/2017
This story is amazing! Please update, I love your writing!
22cjwolf22 chapter 3 . 10/18/2017
love it! please continue!
Arianna Le Fay chapter 3 . 10/18/2017
Please can gannicus status as champion garantee that cassandra wont be use a pleasure sex