Reviews for Zero's True Self
Yuzuki476 chapter 1 . 6/2
I love vampire Knight zero and kaname stories like this one story.
Crazyjess09 chapter 8 . 4/20
I hope that there is one more chapter just to see after all is said and done and Cross reactions to grandkids lol
QueenWinchester24 chapter 8 . 6/22/2019
MyAnimeObsession chapter 8 . 6/5/2019
Is this finished?

I would like to see KaZe in the new life they have together
Miki chapter 8 . 1/18/2019
I wanna see what happens to Zero. What’s his punishment? Spanking? Doing ‘it’ hard? I need to know!
irmina chapter 8 . 11/21/2018
I really like how you keep the story canon with Zero taking the place of Kaname's mate and Kaito Zero's protector who give Rido the final blow. That scene with Kaname and Zero conversing in Kaname's room, when Kaname said Zero is free but Zero wants to be with him, is very touching. I also like the very last scene when Kaname shouted "Zero Kuran!" and Zero responded innocently at first but then cursed himself when he realized what he had done. I suppose Zero succesfully turned Zero and Yuki into humans using spell? But how how was he survived and still pureblood? I can imagine Kaname ravishing Zero mercilessly to 'punish' him. I hope this story will not end here. I'd like to see the continuation where Kaname and Zero live together and have children again. I also wonder how Zero and Kaname become brothers when Zero is ancestor of Kiryuu and Kaname of Kuran? And Yume is Zero's mother but not Kaname's?
irmina chapter 7 . 11/21/2018
That was one hell of the battle. Awesome!
irmina chapter 3 . 11/21/2018
What a sweet reunion... they still love each other.
irmina chapter 2 . 11/21/2018
I really like this! So sweet... when Kaname turned Zero back to pureblood, and when Zero hugged him and Kaname gave him rose resin in the flashback.
Hikaru51998 chapter 2 . 5/27/2018
Mother?"Zero whispered and his mother, The Hooded Woman looked up, from staring into the furnace, when she heard Zero's soft and weak voice in front of her.

Zero's voice was obviously to far away from her to hear but with her sensitive ears, she could hear him just fine. The Hooded Woman smiled when she saw Zero at the entrance of the clearing, far away from her to stop her. Zero's eyes were filled with tears at seeing his mother looking at him with a sad but determined smile on her face. Zero shook his head and started to run to towards his mother, hoping to stop her before it was too late, as she lifted her hands to her chest, digging her fingers into her chest and ripped out her heart, without even screaming in pain, and in one swift movement, she threw her heart into the furnace.

"NOOO!"Zero screamed and watched as his mother started to fall but was caught by Kaname who held her as he sat down on the ground, looking down at her sadly.

"Yume, why?"Kaname whispered softly and sadly."Why would you take my place, Yume? You had so much to live for! What about Zero!? Your own son! You're leaving him alone in this cruel world, Yume..."Yume shook her head gently as she smiled brightly up at the brunette.

"Because Zero needs you, Kaname... I'm not leaving at all... I'll always be with him and you..."The silver haired boy, Zero came to a stop in front of his mother and Kaname."He has you, Kaname... promise me... promise you'll look after him... please...?"Kaname could only nod as Zero broke down into tears.

"No! Mama! Please, don't leave me..."Zero cried as Yume's body started to crack.

"Forgive me, my son, my little Zero... But this is the only way... for it seems the only thing that can kill us, is ourselves..."Yume rasped as her body started to shatter into a million shards of glass.

there's another fanfic with this scene and I believe they stole it from you. A Hidden Pureblood Yet Also A Hunter by I Love BL-It's My Life ... this is it.
YuzukiAkira chapter 1 . 5/26/2018
Um...Zero turned Yuuki and Ichiru to into human and Kaname got angry because that spell can kill a pureblood?
Is that right? I don't know why but I kinda feel like this scene is familiarXD
LuciusDreaming chapter 1 . 3/10/2018
Why was Kaname angry?
Ande chapter 8 . 2/18/2018
Aww Will there be any update? Please I don't understand what makes kaname mad at the end. Please author san
vh132 chapter 8 . 10/30/2017
Oh my god I like so much this story !
Thank you :D !
Terra-Fair chapter 8 . 10/12/2017
This story was awesome
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